_ _______ _______ _______ _________ _______ _______ | \ /\( ___ )( ____ )( ____ )\__ __/( ___ )( ____ \ | \ / /| ( ) || ( )|| ( )| ) ( | ( ) || ( \/ | (_/ / | (___) || (____)|| (____)| | | | | | || (_____ | _ ( | ___ || _____)| _____) | | | | | |(_____ ) | ( \ \ | ( ) || ( | ( | | | | | | ) | | / \ \| ) ( || ) | ) ___) (___| (___) |/\____) | |_/ \/|/ \||/ |/ \_______/(_______)\_______) by: https://twitter.com/ignmentor / Mentor#3631 didnt put too much effort into the dox Table Of Contents 0x01 - Introduction 0x02 - Reason Doxed 0x03 - Info 0x04 - Extra shit 0x01 - (Introduction) So basically kappios is known for owning several servers (sagepvp, senix, deltapvp etc) he has been scamming people and lying towards hes friends. hes not a trusted people and just fuck tard. 0x02 - (Reason Doxed) acting like a retard, scamming, lying also reuploaded doxes (claimed he made them lmao) 0x03 - (Info) Name: Thomas "Oseid" Hejer Aliases: Kappios Age: 15/16 Country: Norway Capital: Oslo Address: Kvartsveien 76 Hakadal 1487 Akershus IP: Email: dumleplays@hotmail.com School: Hakadal Secondary School Known passwords: -sagepvp2222 -fj23@s_2ff42ef4g2e -hivemcplayer_yt Socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100014748155975 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thomasoseidhejer 2nd account: https://www.instagram.com/norskscoot 3nd account: https://www.instagram.com/thomashejer Twitter: https://twitter.com/KappiosCSGO Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIGjuiPXgIbjXykYhXW1m-A Brother Name: Trygve "Oseid" Hejer Age: 16/17 Country: Norway Capital: Oslo Address: Kvartsveien 76 Hakadal 1487 Akershus IP: Socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004885878591 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trygve_hejer Mom Name: Kristin "Oseid" Hejer Age: 38 Country: Norway Capital: Oslo Address: Kvartsveien 76 Hakadal 1487 Akershus IP: Socials: Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008742793757 Dad Name: Øystein Nygård Hejer Age: 45 Country: Norway Capital: Oslo Address: Kvartsveien 76 Hakadal 1487 Akershus IP: Socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OysteinHejer 0x04 - (Extra shit) https://www.fotball.no/fotballdata/kamp/?fiksId=6704046 other family members https://www.facebook.com/tobias.oseidhejer https://www.facebook.com/marihejer https://www.facebook.com/peter.oseid https://www.facebook.com/knutarild.oseid https://www.facebook.com/sawong.oseid https://www.facebook.com/karin.oseid ;)