_____                          _   _             _   _
 |  __ \                        | | | |           | | | |
 | |  | | _____  ____  _____  __| | | |__  _   _  | |_| |__   ___
 | |  | |/ _ \ \/ /\ \/ / _ \/ _` | | '_ \| | | | | __| '_ \ / _ \
 | |__| | (_) >  <  >  <  __/ (_| | | |_) | |_| | | |_| | | |  __/
 |_____/ \___/_/\_\/_/\_\___|\__,_| |_.__/ \__, |  \__|_| |_|\___|
  ______            _                 _     __/ | _   ____        _
 |  ____|          | |               | |   |___/ | | |  _ \      (_)
 | |__   _ __   ___| |__   __ _ _ __ | |_ ___  __| | | |_) | ___  _ ___
 |  __| | '_ \ / __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \| __/ _ \/ _` | |  _ < / _ \| / __|
 | |____| | | | (__| | | | (_| | | | | ||  __/ (_| | | |_) | (_) | \__ \
 |______|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__\___|\__,_| |____/ \___/|_|___/

Enchanted this boy with Caught V and Leaked IX :')

NOTE: Updates coming in the future, not the final release

>> <Reasons> :flushed:
Autist who talked shit behind friends' backs
Massive transphobe (dont let the twitter community know ;))
With a touch of racism (as all good Autists go)

>> <Basic Info> Caught this boy lacking hard
Name              Kameron Matthew Tarsek
Age               ??
Address           4447 Lubec Avenue, Sarasota, Florida, 34287
IP Address
ISP               Comcast
Phone Number      1 (941) 888-9503 (Possibly old)
Ethnicity         White boy (Caucasian)
Height            5'11-6'1
Weight            250-300 lbs

>> <Schooling> Dude riding the short bus to virtual school xd
FLVS (FLorida Virtual School)

>> <Socials> Funnies to spam msg ;')
XBOX              razarblade22918
Twitch            colexw2 (https://twitch.tv/colexw2)
Spotify           Kam Tarsek (https://open.spotify.com/user/4yo5qvm4twwk3n41f785z1g2x)
Youtube           Kameron Tarsek (https://youtube.com/channel/UCK1b3iRq_5tS_oepJF3Yn-w)

>> <Family> Mommy doesn't love him :'(
Name              Madeleine Tarsek
Age               45-55
Address           4447 Lubec Avenue, Sarasota, Florida, 34287
Relation          Mother
Marital Status    Widowed (awww daddys gone :( looks like mommys open for business)

>> <Family Socials> Mommys Socials
Pinterest         mtarsek (https://www.pinterest.com/mtarsek/)
Youtube           madeleine tarsek (https://youtube.com/user/mtarsek)

  _            _   _            __   _____ ___
 | |   __ _ __| |_(_)_ _  __ _  \ \ / /_ _|_ _|
 | |__/ _` / _| / / | ' \/ _` |  \ V / | | | |
 |____\__,_\__|_\_\_|_||_\__, | __\_/ |___|___|
      __          _      |___/  __ __  __
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   | (__| '_| || | | ' \/ _` |  | | >  <
    \___|_|  \_, |_|_||_\__, | |___/_/\_\
             |__/       |___/