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Being racist and just an asshole in general                                                


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Name- Kaleema Faircloth
Age- 37
Number- 9296704557
Ip- &
Twitch- https://twitch.tv/kaleema
Address- 9 Sylvan Ave Latham, NY 12110

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This Single Family Home is owned by Joseph Conlon. It currently has an absentee owner and has 3 adult residents, including Shahana Evans and Kaleema Faircloth and 1 others. This property is a 1,428 square foot home on a 4,792 square foot lot with 1 bedroom and 2 bathrooms located in Latham, NY. The Tax Assessor's value of 9 Sylvan Ave is $206,500 or $145 per square foot. According to public records, it was most recently sold on 1/10/2017 for $166,250.00. Explore the investment potential of this property, with access to owner and resident contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses.

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Name- Gred L Caprara
Address- 34 Arnold Ave Latham, NY 12110
Age- 50s

Name- Louis M Caprara
Address- 34 Arnold Ave Latham, NY 12110
Age- 70

Name- Roberta L Caprara
Address- 34 Arnold Ave Latham, NY 12110
Age- 50s

Name- Ernest M Mailloux
Address- 17 W Glenwood Dr Latham, NY 12110
Age- 60s

Name- Lynn M Mailloux
Address- 17 W Glenwood Dr Latham, NY 12110
Age- 60s

Name- Cindy A Esterby
Address- 55 Sylvan Ave Latham, NY 12110
Age- 60s

Name- Charles F Esterby Jr
Address- 55 Sylvan Ave Latham, NY 12110
Age- 70s

Name- Kathleen A Piatek
Address- 15 Surrey Hill Dr Latham, NY 12110
Age- 70s

Name- Omar A Snow
Address- 15 Surrey Hill Dr Latham, NY 12110
Age- 70s

Name- James E Keffer
Address 5 Woodlawn Rd Latham, NY 12110
Age- 50s

Name- Melissa L Patnaude
Address- 14 Avery Ave Latham, NY 12110
Age- 80s+