Title: KakkoiiLen
Reason for Dox: Dating a 15 y/o girl (21 at the time) asking to watch hentai together and asking for nudes, and when caught blaming it on his autism (he's retarded)
Other Names: Len, CreamCookies, WhatsThisAParty
Continent: Western Europe
Full name: Freek Nagelkerke 
Birthday: June 30, 1999.
ZIP: 3012
Area Code: 010
Adress: Hooidrift 147-A (unconfirmed) 
Country: NL - Netherlands
Capital: Amsterdam
Carrier: Liberty Global
Phone type: Mobile Phone
Phone number: 010-2364855 (unconfirmed)
City: Rotterdam
Region: South Holland
Email Address: freek.nagelkerke@gmail.com
Second Email: KakkoiiLen@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kakkoiilen/\
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kakkoiilen\
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVCKADdqYBxacsK2anaYNqg
Discord: KakkoiiLen#9084
Nintendo Switch: SW-7770-6519-5302
Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/Xga2KDf
-+- Additional info: Twitch streamer with 4.8k followers
-+- Dad name: Berk Nagelkerke (unconfirmed) 

Please someone create a in-depth dox on this fag, if you're a 13 year old girl and you send a picture of yourself you're going to get mod. This guy is an absolute sick cunt.