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         `888   `Y88.  d8P'  `Y8b   d8P'  `Y8b  8'   888   `8 `888'     `8 `888'   `Y8b  
          888   .d88' 888      888 888      888      888       888          888      888 
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                           Team Rooted - David, Hablo, Eve

Part 1 =Precursor=:
Oh boy, am I ever about to start Drama for this... Kaizem aka Zach Gommery is an egotistical piece 
of human garbage who serves no purpose but to waste oxygen on this rapidly decaying planet. With 
that out of the way. We can get into the meat of this situation.

The first guy to dox Kaizem was "Generic Name", after he was dared to after being told Kaizem was
"undoxxable". Wanting to bolster his ego, he started working on a Kaizem dox. 

According to DM's and me myself:
The dox was leaked out to Dream, where he created a version with incorrect information to try and 
stop the spread of the dox.

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 
||K |||a |||i |||z |||e |||m ||

Full Name: Zach L Gommery (6'2)
Age: 17 - June 6th 2003 (Arnold Palmer Hospital)
Aliases: Kaizem/Kaizem240hz
SSN: 721-07-7645

3 Scythewood Maidenhead I love how his community is gated, yet you can jump his picket fence off a main road and gain access to his house easily.

Phone Number:
 - +44 4556 732456 -_- TalkTalk Premium
     // Changing and unlisting your phone number won't stop Team Rooted from ez'ing you...

St Edwards Catholic
St Peters College

Email Address(s):
\|/ kaizem8556@gmail.com
\|/ kaizem8778@gmail.com
\|/ kaizem5789@gmail.com

\|/ ByiguixxIHhyTY@4
\|/ Byigui%%^HhyTY@4
\|/ ByiguixxI78xhyTY@4

IP Address(s): 
\|/ 81.83.743.165
\|/ 8.43.543.562