______                                     | 
 _________        .---"""      """---.                              | 
:______.-':      :  .--------------.  :                             | 
| ______  |      | :                : |                             | 
|:______B:|      | |    Loading...  | |                             | 
|:______B:|      | |                | |                             | 
|:______B:|      | |     Dox of     | |                             | 
|         |      | |  Kai Custodio  | |                             |
|         |      |                  | |                             | 
|:_____:  |      | |                | |                             | 
|    ==   |      | :                : |                             | 
|       O |      :  '--------------'  :                             | 
|       o |      :'---...______...---'                              | 
|       o |-._.-i___/'             \._                              | 
|'-.____o_|   '-.   '-...______...-'  `-._                          | 
:_________:      `.____________________   `-.___.-.                 | 
                 .'.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.'.      :___:                | 
               .'.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.'.                         | 
              :____________________________:                        | 

          [       Dox Reason!     ]
          | Giving addy for food  |
          | Swatted cus of it     |
          | still sad abt the food|
          | after the swat        |
          |                       |
and thats why you dont let your hunger take over, stupid things like this will happen, kai, be smarter next time son    

Personal Info

-Alias(s): Tokyo, Jewelxxet, Vendetta, Sage

-Full name: Kai Custodio

-Age: 17

-Address: 2933 Seminary Ave. Oakland, CA 94605

-Instagram: Instagram: ilostsage

-Snapchat: cochiemanz16

-Discord: ロフィVENDETTA'美的#7997

Soundcloud: 3foolz???? #TRUEKING King of Kings

Coms: discord packing com, fortnite com

Known for loud micing and dating every ewhore known to man


Mothers info
-Full name: Michele Custodio
-Age: 50
-DOB: April 8th, 1972
-Phone: 510-686-1039
-Address: 2933 Seminary Ave.Oakland, CA 94605+1505
-Email(s): michele_a_custodio@yahoo.com

Fathers info
-Full name: Guillermo A. Custodio
-Age: 49
-DOB: October 31st, 1973
-Phone: 510-969-7724
-Address: 2933 Seminary Ave.Oakland, CA 94605+1505
-Email(s): craftman73@gmail.com    michele_a_custodio@yahoo.com

The end.
-Cxzmic for the dox
- Daqs for the swat
cxzmics socials: Discord: gruesome#0001 | Instagram: cyberrcriminal 

daqs socials:    Discord: Api#4770  | Instagram: daqs2rich