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Reason = 

איזה מפגר אמריקאי שמן שחושב שהוא החרא וחושב שהוא הולך לשים אותי על דוקסבין.

הנה אנחנו באים, ומתי סוף סוף תראו שאין לכם מינוף, Kadyn?

Information = 

Kadyn Gibson is a 17 year old manchild from S.C (South Carolina, US of A), who has gone through countless attempts of doxxing me, and attempting to ruin my image. His personal reason for attempting to dox me stems from that down to him finding love in a woman who doesn't love him back, and me making sure he knows that. It's sad to see how degenerate his persona has become, and how infidelity has taken over someone who would've been bright.

Not only have I tried to help him excessively with weightloss, I've also been there for him continuiously. Now, I'll reveal some secrets of this child.

Kadyn is from a vastly overweight family, which means his weight is evident. His younger brother, and mother are quite slim, however, he and his sister are obese, as calculated by a BMI indicator. See below for more information.

Kadyn's Sister's information will not be listed here, as she is under the age of 14, and I have no reason for doxxing her; as with the rest of Kadyn's family.

Kadyn Gibson is 5'7, with a weight of aprox. 18 Stone, or 144.3KG. With his height, and weight in mind, this gives him a BMI (Body mass index) of 39.47, making him in the obese range. This is evident, as any BMI over 30, signifies obesity.

Kadyn, let it be known, I would've willingly left you alone, had you not said to Ryan "I'm going to get someone to find his location, and put a notice on his door saying 'Found you!' ". This is just pathetic, and maybe now, you'll see common sense, instead of acting like a child.

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|                   DETAILS                |  Contact me @ Kroenen#0001 / Kroenenrein#0001
Template by @ Oliverein#0001

Name = Kadyn
Last Name  = Gibson
Discord = mister kadyn#9741 / 986002354652479560
Race = White
Age = 16
Weight = 18 STN / 114.3 KG
Eye color = D20 / D40
(If you're confused by this, see below.)

Hair color = Light-Medium brown
Pictures =   
(Kadyn is on the far right, as is his political ideology, the Neo-Nazi confederate bastard.)

Kadyn on Omegle (After countless video calls, I can confirm that is him)

(Not of Kadyn, but one of Kadyn's Neo-Nazi friends, Scotty, who partakes in illegal action. This man threatened to 'Track me down and kill me', to which I hit his router for 200 seconds. He is reportedly an Ex-Marine, according to Kadyn, however I don't see how he is)



Phone Number: 


https://www.roblox.com/users/62608863/profile           - Roblox:      
https://www.instagram.com/kadyn.eg/?hl=is               - Instagram:
kadynegibson (?) - Snapchat:
https://open.spotify.com/user/f2i15ulspuook8krh48lmph8w - Spotify:
            - Steam:

|                   ADDRESS                |

City = Powdersville
State =  SC
Zip = 29673
Address = 109 Middleton Place Dr Piedmont SC 29673
(Fuck you, Kaydn.

|                 EDUCATION                |

School = (Surprisingly, he goes to school) Powdersville High School
State = South Carolina
Zip = 29611
Address = 145 Hood Rd

|             IP INFORMATION               |
Coordinates linked to IP: -82.7049/34.5258
Country: USA
Provider: AS20115 CHARTER-20115
Region: South Carolina
Accuracy: 20km Radius

|                   FAMILY                 |


First Name = (Withheld)
Last Name = (Withheld)
Age = (Withheld)
DOB = (Withheld)

Phone Numbers 
000 - (Withheld)
000 - (Withheld)

Known Relatives (Father and Mother, including Cousins and such) 




First Name = (Withheld)
Last Name = (Withheld)
Age =  (Withheld)
DOB =  (Withheld)
Current Address =  (Withheld)


Pinterest: (Withheld)
Facebook:  (Withheld)
Linkedin:  (Withheld)
Twitter:  (Withheld)

Associated Names

Possible Relatives (Father and Mother, including Cousins and such)

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   מוות למי שעומד בדרכו