[Personal Info]
First Name............. Kyle
Middle Name............ Smith
Last Name.............. Brown

Born................... Limoges, France

Online aliases......... slapes, kuda, clip, SL, 420_SL, cacophony, rv

Skin Color............. Mixed Arab
Gender................. Male
Age.................... 16
Birthday............... 22-11-2003
Phone.................. 07824160605 (wireless) *dead*
....................... 07729453367 (wireless) *dead*
Devices................ Samsung J3 2017
                        Samsung A5 2018
                        i-Phone 8 2017
Email.................. slapes@mail.com
[Social Media]
Discord Tag............ kuda#1337 (spam this dickhead)
Twitter................ @420_SL
Youtube................ GUA slapes
                        bape rv
Telegram............... @slurred
[House Info]
Direct Address......... Rose Cottage, Mount Avenue, Hutton, Brentwood
Country................ England
Town................... Brentwood
County................. Essex
Post Code / ZIP........ CM13 2NZ
Bedrooms............... 6
Bathrooms.............. 7 (One in Every Room + x1 in a corridor)
House Price............ £2,050,000 (Last Updated 10 March 2017)
Year Built............. 2015 (May be inaccurate)
I, Kyle Smith Brown, am going to attempt to recreate the christchurch shooting, this Friday at 10PM, this is mainly due to the verbal abuse I have been getting from my parents.
If you would like to prevent this, pay me £20,000 to slapes@ctemplar.com, or I will ensure my plan proceeds. Also, I request instant immunty to anything between now and when I flee the country after i commit the shooting.