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================[ UPDATED 15/01/2024 ]================

--< Who is this? >--
Retarded North Macedonian faggot with mental disabilities

--< DOX >--
Name: Kristijan
Last Name: Temelkovski
Phone Number: +389 75 263 251
Home Address: Herakleja 23b, Skopje, North Macedonia (Proof: https://imgur.com/a/BkafwGV )
Age: 16 (DOB: 9 July 2007)
Zip Code: 1060
IP address:
Citizen identification number/EMBG: 0907007450??? - last 3 will be added soon (probably)

Instagram 1: https://www.instagram.com/kt_100_posto/ - Banned :)
Instagram 2: https://www.instagram.com/kt_100_postoo/ - @2kttttttt just renamed
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kt_100_posto
Snapchat: www.snapchat.com/add/kt_100posto

Alias: KT 100% (the retard thinks KT 100% is his real name)

--- Phone information --- As of 1 December 2023 ---
Phone number: +389 75 263 251
Registered name on account: Ljupka Angeleska Temelkovska
Address: Brakja Chakrevi 25
Phone model: Samsung Galaxy A14 (SM-A145F)
Account type: Postpaid
Current balance: 142.40 MKD ($2.53)
Unpaid bills: 9841.20 MKD ($175.15)
Mobile IP address: Not assigned (no mobile data plan)
IMEI: 350545462954884
Network operator: A1 MK

--- His mother ---
Name, maiden's, last: Ljupka Angeleska Temelkovska
Photo: https://scontent.fskp1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/340127035_253026957185677_6246597744808270043_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=m-iHt2gOdjsAX_Pm2VO&_nc_ht=scontent.fskp1-2.fna&oh=00_AfAI_cb8OPbThq7TCPw8a2UR6Zkyc95akxMpatgaaZZU1A&oe=64F1F068
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ljupka.angeleskatemelkovska.3
Nickname: Bube

--- His father --- 
Name, last: Dragi Temelkovski
Old as shit, probably from the stress that comes with having this gay shit of a son

--- His photos ---

--- Appendix regarding the addresses ---
Herakleja 23b is 2 houses behind Brakja Chakrevi 25, Google Maps wrongly lists it as the latter when it really is the former in all official documents (house photos soon)

--- Additional info ---
(1) Got $560+ worth of delivery food ordered to his house: https://imgur.com/a/0q9kNul
(2) Is gullible as shit and very autistic, constantly imitates others' behaviors down to their styles of writing 
(3) Flaunts his microdick on Instagram group calls (can't post due to ToS)
(4) Usually hangs out at Gradski Park (Skopje) around 9 PM - 10:30 PM almost every Saturday
(5) Got the shit beat out of him at TC Biser and at Archeological Museum Skopje (video will be added soon)
(6) Likely unable to perceive danger as such, shows off way too much.
(7) Says he'll call some supposed friends to beat others up yet he can't even name them. IG Live recording: https://youtu.be/Q7xokHNFHGc (Will add transcript and/or subtitles sometime in the future)
(8) His fat fuck of a "girlfriend" is 130kg and supposedly an MMA fighter yet stood like a washing machine when he got his shit kicked in: https://imgur.com/a/6DnHT2M
(9) Got his shit kicked in (for the 13th time since Feb 2024!) at his school and his phone stolen
(10) Is a regular at police stations, only has the balls/money to report misdemeanors and not felonies as the he would have to go to court and pay lawyers, meanwhile his most luxurious dish is instant noodles with crackers (https://www.instagram.com/p/C-DOBSttVVS/)