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---------General Information-----------
Name: Никита Кологривый
Age: 16
Country: Russia
City: Saransk
Postcode: 397743
Number: +7 951 734-52-68
--------------Social Media-------------
Vkontakte - https://vk.com/nikyatos
Telegram - https://t.me/psychoprime
---------Private Informations----------
He was in Saransk living with her grandma that was all the time drunk.
The grandma was abusing her, her uncle was trying to kiss her in the mouth.
The stepfather is rich old white men.
He came to NL with her crazy mom, thats is doing some surgery, taking cash from father and cheating on him.
The father is looking weird at Black bitch in sexual way, her father also kiss her in neck.
Mother is treating her bad because she is jealous of Black monkey.
He was in love with Polish guy that commited a suicide, she got rejected ( dumb bitch )
He got rejected by Russian guy.
He was trying to be with another polish guy, and again stupid bitch got rejected.
Then she meet a french guy and they broke up cause she dumb afff.
He is a liar. She loose a fight and she is trying to make a stupid ass revenge.