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 |    \_ |______ |     | ______| |_____| |  \_| .
(KEVIN ERIC GRATIAS has a charge of 2nd Degree Child Molestation)

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 |       |______ |    \_ ______| |_____| |  \_| |     | |_____      __|__ |  \_| |       |_____| .
Age: 61
DOB: November 1963 
Race: White 
Weight: 240lbs 
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: GREY
Eye Color: HAZEL
Sex: M
Phone Number: (304) 614-8574 Wireless United States Cellular - WV - PROB NOT HIS ANYMORE


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 |      |     | |       |_____|    |      |   |     | | \  | .
 |_____ |_____| |_____  |     |    |    __|__ |_____| |  \_| .
Address: 78 6th St Belington WV 26250 Barbour County
 ⤷Latitude: 39.023100°
 ⤷Longitude: -79.945600°

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Katherine Parrish
Age 52 (Nov 1972)
Keith Gratias
Age 86 (Jul 1938)
Keith Gratias
Age 59 (Apr 1965)
Kenneth Gratias
Age 86 (Jul 1938)
Kent Gratias
Age 54 (Aug 1970)
Kurt Gratias
Age 57 (Apr 1967)
Rachel Patraca
Age 37 (Mar 1987)
Sharon Toth
Age 82 (Sep 1942)
Alexis Hupp
Age 27 (Sep 1997)
Alexis Hupp
Age 27 (Sep 1997)
Angelina Gratias
Age 26 (Feb 1998)
Ben Nichols
Age 77 (May 1947)
Bernard Nichols
Age 80 (Apr 1944)
Bernard Nichols
Age 58 (Oct 1966)
Carol Toth
Age 79 (May 1945)
Charissa Hupp
Age 36 (Nov 1988)
Christopher Hupp
Age 43 (Jul 1981)
Cody Gratias
Age 36 (May 1988)
Cynthia Gratias
Age 54 (Oct 1970)
Dale Fertig
Age 111 (Jan 1913)
Ester Ortiz
Age 54 (Feb 1970)
Janet Phillips
Age 44 (Sep 1980)
Kallie Johnson
Age 33 (Jul 1991)
Karen Forbes
Age 57 (Oct 1967)
Kathy Gratias
Age 72 (Aug 1952)
Kerry Gratias
Age 47 (Apr 1977)
Laretta Key
Age 82 (Sep 1942)
Lola Nichols
Age 99 (Mar 1925)
Marjorie Philipsen
Age 90 (May 1934)
Mirela Dale
Age 62 (Oct 1962)
Newman Fertig
Age 111 (Jan 1913)
Nick Gratias
Age 23 (Mar 2001)
Rhonda Gratias
Age 57 (Jun 1967)
Rudy Toth
Age 80 (May 1944)
Sharon Toth
Age 51 (Mar 1973)
Stanley Parrish
Age 87 (Dec 1937)
Steven Parrish
Age 52 (Feb 1972)
Steven Toth
Age 59 (Sep 1965)
Tracy Marshall
Age 51 (Sep 1973)
Tritia Gratias
Age 55 (Sep 1969)
Vicki Parrish
Age 79 (May 1945)
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   / \   ___ ___  ___   ___(_) __ _| |_ ___  ___ 
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 / ___ \\__ \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | ||  __/\__ \
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Carol Toth
Age 79(May 1945)
Rudy Toth
Age 80(May 1944)
Nancy Jacobo
Age 53(Aug 1971)
Aaron Wilson
Age 50(May 1974)
Charles Hall
Age 49(May 1975)
Deborah Wagner
Age 55(Jan 1969)
Fred Lindekugel
Age 79(Mar 1945)
Fred Lindekugel
Age 79(Mar 1945)
Ginger Thorne
Age 54(Aug 1970)
Judith Lindekugel
Age 72(Jan 1952)
Kathleen Birmingham
Age 70(Sep 1954)
Mary Rocco
Age 45(Apr 1979)
Randall Isner
Age 53(Jan 1971)
Teresa Rodgers
Age 59(Jun 1965)
Thomas Skergan
Age 67(Feb 1957)
Wilbur Thorne
Age 53(Jan 1971)
William Rodgers
Age 62(Jan 1962)
William Thorne
Age 53(Jan 1971)
Bernard Nichols
Age 80(Apr 1944)
Bernard Nichols
Age 58(Oct 1966)
Adrienna Luellen
Age 26(Jun 1998)

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Conviction Date: 10/15/2008
Victim Relation: FAMILY MEMBER
Victim Sex: FEMALE
Offense: 2nd Degree Child Molestation in the state of Washington served approximately 1 year and 2 months in a correctional facility and given parole.

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5303 Pacific Hwy E
Fife WA 98424
Pierce County

13430 Cedar Ct E
Sumner WA 98391
Pierce County

187A Huntting Rd
Silver Creek WA 98585
Lewis County

106 6th St
Belington WV 26250
Barbour County

5306 226th St NW, Unit 1
Stanwood WA 98292
Snohomish County

4901 234th St SW
Mountlake Terrace WA 98043
Snohomish County

3528 183rd Pl NE
Arlington WA 98223
Snohomish County

1807 Pease Ave, Unit 6
Sumner WA 98390
Pierce County

2112 62nd Ave E, Unit 9
Fife WA 98424
Pierce County

4600 16th St E, Unit R304
Fife WA 98424
Pierce County

333 S 320th St, Unit J7
Federal Way WA 98003
King County

1313 J St
Crescent City CA 95531
Del Norte County

20406 111th Ave E
Graham WA 98338
Pierce County

2122 62nd Ave E, Unit 3
Fife WA 98424
Pierce County

600 Ellingson Rd, Unit E6
Pacific WA 98047
King County

187 Huntting Rd, Unit A
Silver Creek WA 98585
Lewis County

1906 S Commons
Federal Way WA 98003
King County

13430 Cedar Ct E
Bonney Lake WA 98391
Pierce County

6927 5th St E, Unit 304
Tacoma WA 98424
Pierce County

435 Antrim Rd
Winlock WA 98596
Lewis County

35810 16th Ave S, Unit F102
Federal Way WA 98003
King County

113 Burke Ln
Crescent City CA 95531
Del Norte County

238 Jordan Rd
Winlock WA 98596
Lewis County

Po Box 419
Mossyrock WA 98564
Lewis County


 _______  _____  __   _ _______        _     _ _______ _____  _____  __   _  
 |       |     | | \  | |       |      |     | |______   |   |     | | \  | .
 |_____  |_____| |  \_| |_____  |_____ |_____| ______| __|__ |_____| |  \_| .

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 | |_ | | | | |   | |  | | | \ \ /\ / /  | | | |  _| | | | \___ \|  _|| |   | |
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 |_|   \___/|_____|_____\___/  \_/\_/    |____/|_____|____/|____/|_____\____|_|

Memes: No memes sadly :(

Credits: Template by de4dmau5_l0l

#OpChildSafety #OpPedoHunt #AntiAbuse