Legal Name: Devin J. Anderson
Aliases: Jade, Houndoom, Kandiibracelet, Doom, Devon (old alias)
Current Address: 3785 S 6th St #205, Tucson, AZ 85707
Number: (618) 975-9303
Facebook: http://facebook.com/notluvyet
Discord: houndoom#0666
Instagram: @kandiibracelet
Twitter: @kandiibracelet (deactivated)
Snapchat: plusultradevon
Email: plusultradevon@gmail.com

Moms Address: 27597 Lafayette Way, Moreno Valley, CA 92555
Moms Name: Dixie Anderson
Moms Facebook: http://facebook.com/dixie.anderson.58
Dads Address: 570 Ashton Mill Dr #21, Sumter, SC 2915
Dads Name: Joshua Anderson
Dads Facebook: https://facebook.com/joshua.anderson.526
Brothers Name: Derek Anderson
Brothers Facebook: https://facebook.com/authorderekanderson
Brothers Instagram: @thisisbonifide

Houndoom aka Kandiibracelet aka Jade is a low tier soundcloud rapper who has a fucked obsession with scene girls and likes to take advantage of her sexual partners. She dated a popular Instagram editor known as @iguana_alana, which is where all of her popularity stemmed from. Anyways Jade and Alana eventually broke up, which led to Alana making a statement on twitter about some of the sus ass shit that Jade was doing during their relationship:





Before these statements were made, Jade hooked up with some onlyfans girl known as Awnuh. They dropped a sex tape on her page that led to a bunch of unrelated controversies, which got leaked here:


After Alana came out with her statement, Awnuh came out saying she was sexually assaulted by Jade that night, her twitter has since been suspended but there is a screen recording of posts from her private twitter account that outlines everything that happened:



So in conclusion, Kandiibracelet is a degenerate rapist who gets girls high on pills and tries to fuck them while they’re fucked up. The fact that there’s 3 different claims, 1 with video proof, should be enough reason for y’all to go and harass Jade about this shit. Make sure to inform the family how much of a disappointment their child is and do whatever you want with the other info provided. 

She currently goes by Jade but before she came out as trans, she would always spell her birth name as “Devon” when it’s actually spelt “Devin”, that alone made this dox way harder than it needed to be.

Despite hours of digging I still wasn’t able to find an exact date of birth, what I do know is that it’s sometime between the 13th and the 23rd of May

She used to do youtube under the name RealCyberKing, she was a part of a shitty youtube collective called PureClan

Some of her old twitter handles that I could find were: @realcyberking, @plusultradevon, @lilhoundoom

Shes currently in the air force, used to stay at bases in Sumnter, SC. Couldn’t find much info past that

Her xbox live account is myspaceshawtyy, don’t know why anyone would need it but it’s there 

Much love, from anon :)