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Reason for dox: annoyed the shit out of me over an account he didn't own. threatened to rape a friends sister, sexualizes women and minors. racist to whites and asians

Name: Jyiaz Berry
Address 1:  1909 Beulah Ave
            Anniston, AL 36201
Address 2: 119 Southmoor Cir
           Oxford, AL 36203
(He moves from house to house because his parents aren't together)
Phone: hes to poor to have his own so im just gonna put his contact info with his parents shit.

Name: Jessica Nicole Stevens
Age: 36
Address: 119 Southmoor Cir
         Oxford, AL 36203
Phone: (256) 343-8414
Email: jyiaz@cableone.net
Passwords: justin1

Info: mother has anger issues hit her up

Name: Frederick Merrell Berry
Age: 51
Address: 1909 Beulah Ave
         Anniston, AL 36201
Phone: (256) 310-0440
Email: jyiaz911@gmail.com

Dads house: https://imgur.com/KeMLtoy
Moms house: https://imgur.com/X8qAFh6
Jyiaz questions if he's poor: https://i.imgur.com/Qormde3.png (yes you are)
Mother's house info: https://i.imgur.com/3kefpAb.png
Father's house info: https://i.imgur.com/OWRvtkV.png
Father's 50th birthday party: https://imgur.com/177c3fa0-0b0a-4d55-af08-b9956da78783

Note: this "dox" was quite rushed like normal, pardon if the quality is bad. have a good day/night 

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