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|                    Bye Bye Justin Bowems                      |

║ | Reason for doxing: Online dating a minor 
║ | (A 11 YEAR OLD GIRL)

|                            Credits                            |

║ | Credit: Kodaya
║ | Discord: Kodaya

|       Proof of Justin Bowems being a Pedophile | EXPOSED       |

║ | https://bit.ly/3Tut4BF
║ | https://bit.ly/3uVL26T

|                     Personal Information                      |

║ | Name: Justin Bowens
║ | Race: African
║ | Gender: Male
║ | Age: 15
║ | Sexuality: Straight
║ | Home Phone Number: 929 373 8426


║ | IP Home Address:
║ | House Address: 19 Enderly Ln
║ | Country: United States
║ | State: New Jersey
║ | Township: Willingboro 
║ | Latitude: 40.016441
║ | Longitude: -74.871147
║ | Coordinates: 40°00'59.2"N 74°52'16.1"W

|                     ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                    |

║ | School That He Goes To: Burlington County Institute of Technology (BCIT) 
║ | School Link: https://www.bcit.cc/
║ | #1 Photo of Justin Bowens: https://bit.ly/3v2Ruce
║ | #2 Photo of Justin Bowens: https://bit.ly/3TuVmMz
║ | Video of Justin Bowens: https://bit.ly/4c6C5bw - Download to watch it
║ | Justin Bowems House Photo: https://bit.ly/3wNz7II

|                     Social Media Accounts                     |

║ | Discord Username: brdkut_42659
║ | Snap: justinbowens1