Let’s start with most known
Shinji Minato
twitter account, mostly known for: @dengekiraketto
Youtube account: https://m.youtube.com/@user-tk2pd3mo2j
his location SHINJI MINATO ADDRESS LINK https://www.google.com/maps/@35.8694827,139.720589,3a,75y,254.34h,90.01t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sdbCf62_-1eNnT7sYuy26Zw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
A lot of doxxes have found his state or city but never his address, which is in Saitama. This address is confirmed by someone close to him.
Document about him: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1H0csry2NIK9wdDfnyTIfmzSIJYKBuPYo/mobilebasic

Yasushi Watanabe 
I read articles about how he was the least bad of 4, and how he has gone quiet completely and no one even knows where he is.

YASUSHI WATANABE ADDRESS https://www.google.com/maps/@35.3265818,139.6133814,3a,90y,353.67h,86.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sof9wQ0qu5PW3-TMRtBDtAQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
As stated by the people who tracked Yasushi down: “Yasushi Watanabe lives with his mother Yasu in a house in Mutsuura Higashi OO, Kanazawa Ward, Yokosuka City. His mother changed her job 3 times since the incident and keeps very little to no contact with her relatives and neighbours, and lives out of public view.”


(This section will be updated)

As mentioned by the people who tracked him down:
“Yep, he was the worst out of the gang, heard about that too. His mother is called Etsuko Ogura. And after working at a department store in Tokyo, after getting married, she took a side job as a dressmaker.”

His father was a delivery man for a transportation company, he is tall too, and has had two children with his wife.

Ogura himself is around 180cm, the tallest of the 4 and has a deep voice.”
He also has 6 fingers to his left hand, and has changed his name to Jo Kamisaku.

(This section will be updated soon)

(This document is unfinished)

(Such as, debunking, interviews, everything of the case, for example, Junko didn’t say no; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QPQRTI9qFNgudPOzCK_-N_L9axbfFizUUGdF717ibDw/edit )
3 / 4 of the men live in kawaguchi, and the other (Hiroshi Miyano) lives in northern tokyo
People who are known to track them all the time say they often switch locations (slightly doubt it ngl)

There is an interview up online about Oguras mom.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehCluKwXpGY
Translation is in the reddit post.