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║ Table Of Contents                                         ║
║ →     0x01 Reason.........................................║
║ →     0x02 Personal Information...........................║
║ →     0x03 Social Media Platforms.........................║
║ →     0x04 Location Information...........................║
║ →     0x05 Internet Protocol Information..................║
║ →     0x06 Additional Information.........................║

-+-                    0x01 Reason                      -+-
Bitch Fortnite and skid

-+-             0x02 Personal Information               -+-
Name: Julia Głowacka
Age: 15
Gender: Female
School: https://psp4swidwin.pl/

-+-            0x03 Social Media Platforms              -+-
Messenger: Julia Głowacka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH18ycIBbvM1dmQtLP2Dqfw
Discord: ????????????????????????#5385
Discord ID: 719295802295582720
Instagram: glowacka_rysuje
Fortnite: ᵇʳᵘʰ ᵍⁱʳˡ ʲᵘˡᶜⁱᵃ

-+-              0x04 Location Information              -+-

Zip Code: 78-300
Town/City: Świdwin
Country: Poland

-+-           0x05 Internet Protocol Information        -+-
Current Status: Online
Vpn: false
Proxy: false
Assignment: iPv4
Type: Static
Org: TK Telekom sp. z o.o.

Open Port(s):
- 80
- 443 
- 8080

-+-            0x06 Additional Information              -+-