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					      ,--.,--.  ,--.,--------.,------.  ,-----. ,------.  ,--. ,--. ,-----.,--------.,--. ,-----. ,--.  ,--. 
					      |  ||  ,'.|  |'--.  .--'|  .--. ''  .-.  '|  .-.  \ |  | |  |'  .--./'--.  .--'|  |'  .-.  '|  ,'.|  | 
					      |  ||  |' '  |   |  |   |  '--'.'|  | |  ||  |  \  :|  | |  ||  |       |  |   |  ||  | |  ||  |' '  | 
					      |  ||  | `   |   |  |   |  |\  \ '  '-'  '|  '--'  /'  '-'  ''  '--'\   |  |   |  |'  '-'  '|  | `   | 
					      `--'`--'  `--'   `--'   `--' '--' `-----' `-------'  `-----'  `-----'   `--'   `--' `-----' `--'  `--' 

                                      ◤                                                                                                                   ◥
					             ✗ → Comtard
                                                     ✗ → Tries To RAT
					             ✗ → Egotistical
                                                     ✗ → Overweight / Mexican
		                                     ✗ → Thinks Hes Untouchable
                                                     ✗ → SLAUGHTERED BY TOKYO

					      Joud Majzoub is the retarded egotistical com dickhead  who constantly sulfurs from gay obesity 24/7
                                              not only that, but he claims undoxability and that hes untouchable, but these are just simple facts that are known.                                               
                                      ◣                                                                                                                   ◢ 

                                            ◤                                                                                                    ◥                                             
                                                                        0x01  Introduction.        
                                                                        0x02  Personal Information.         
                                                                        0x03  IP Network.          
                                                                        0x04  School Info. [ In Progress ] 
                                                                        0x05  Medical Info. [ In Progress ] 
                                            ◣                          ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔              ◢                                                                
                 /  . -  \    
                 \       /     
           .-""-.,:.-_-.<                                                 ,--.   ,--.,--. ,-----.,--------.,--.,--.   ,--.
          /    _; , / ).|                                                  \  `.'  / |  |'  .--./'--.  .--'|  ||   `.'   | 
          \  ; / `  `"  '\                                                  \     /  |  ||  |       |  |   |  ||  |'.'|  | 
           '.-| ;-.____, |             .,                                    \   /   |  |'  '--'\   |  |   |  ||  |   |  |    
               \ `._~_/ /             /"/                                     `-'    `--' `-----'   `--'   `--'`--'   `--'
  ,.           /`-.__.-'\`-._     ,",' ;                                 
  \"\         / /|   o   \._ `-._; /  ./-.                             ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
   ; ';,     / / |    `__ \ `-.,( /  //.-'
  :\  \\;_.-" ;  |.-"`    ``\    /-. /.-'                               ✗ Personal Information   
   :\  .\),.-'  /      }{    |   '..'                                   ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
     \ .-\     |          , /                                           NAME: Joud Majzoub
               ( __ `;--;'__`                                           RACE: Mexican / Latino
              `//'`    `||`                                             IRL: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1203821411341434970/1203835882495410228/WIN_20240203_13_28_55_Pro.png?ex=65d28a88&is=65c01588&hm=513a6afd63905ca1303d0d4052fb4571d42516c8bb072de593f5402bee2864b8&=&format=webp&quality=lossless
             _//        || 						Country: Canada
                                                                        State: Quebec
     .-"-._,(__)      .(__).-""-.				        City: Montreal
    /          \     /           \					ADDRESS: In Progress [ Verfiying ]
    \          /     \           /					OCCUPATION: Fatass Obese Gamer.    
     `'--=="--`       `--""==--'`                                       USERNAME(2) zaiied69, xzykaly_
                                                                        EMAIL: owmhjtc789@kpopfire.com
                                                                        DISCORD TOKEN: MTE5MjIyOTA1MTE4NDcyNjE1MA.GDlj5P.4t8cWVh9GtzkR2Y0qzUz8R3SkunN5Px1aI7vjU 
                                                                           ,--.,------.     ,--.,--.  ,--.,------. ,-----.  
                                                                           |  ||  .--. '    |  ||  ,'.|  ||  .---''  .-.  ' 
                                                                           |  ||  '--' |    |  ||  |' '  ||  `--, |  | |  | 
                                                                           |  ||  | --'     |  ||  | `   ||  |`   '  '-'  ' 
                                                                           `--'`--'         `--'`--'  `--'`--'     `-----'  

                                                                       ✗ IP Information     
                                                                        Latitude: 45.5088 (45° 30′ 31.82″ N)
                                                                        Longitude: -73.5878 (73° 35′ 16.11″ W)

                                                                            ,-----.,------. ,------.,------.  ,--.,--------. ,---.   
                                                                           '  .--./|  .--. '|  .---'|  .-.  \ |  |'--.  .--''   .-'  
                                                                           |  |    |  '--'.'|  `--, |  |  \  :|  |   |  |   `.  `-.  
                                                                           '  '--'\|  |\  \ |  `---.|  '--'  /|  |   |  |   .-'    | 
                                                                            `-----'`--' '--'`------'`-------' `--'   `--'   `-----'  
                                                                        ✗ Credits     
                                                                       Signs - Fags & Sh4dyy
                                                                      ALL Information - TokyoWyd - Discord 
     _  __)\____________________________________/7_
    (//   )))))                                   `\||   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  FUCKED BY TOKYOWYD 
     /   (((((                                      )`                                   
     \   ________ ______________________________/
      ) /#######/ )\  /     )/
     / /##(\)##/ /  \(     //     
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