║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Introduction...................................║
║ →     0x02 Reason.........................................║
║ →     0x03 Personal Information...........................║
║ →     0x04 Credits........................................║

-+-                 0x01 Introduction                   -+-
Welcome to the destruction of Jothan Pattee, Also known
as, Jonathan Dale Pattee. This individual who's info including Credit Card details
has been dumped for FREE on a forum, which is fair enough but has little information.
So I decided to dox the Cardholder to validate the Full is or was green...

-+-                    0x02 Reason                      -+-
This individual is a legit businessman and doesn't really deserve his data being dumped.
So that's why this dox is private and won't be leaked.
But I still had to dox the Cardholder due to the following reasons:

- To verify the Full is valid.

- Because I'm bored.

- Would've loved to clown the kid who posted the Full but the majority is correct info.

- Wanted to cashout uno...

-+-             0x03 Personal Information               -+-

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 `8bd8'    .88.   Y8b  d8    88      .88.   88  88  88
   YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP
Name: Jothan Pattee
Legal Name: Jonathan Dale Pattee
Current Phone Number: (810) 743-1239
Education: Atherton High School
DOB: 03/09/1982 (38)
Gender: Male

SCHOOL INFORMATION:                                                                                         
NAME               : Atherton High School   
 GRADES            : 7-12                                                           
 ADDRESS           : 3354 South Genesee Road, Burton MI  48519
 FOUNDED           : 1836                              
 NUMBERS           : Phone: (810) 591-9184     Fax: (810) 591-9180                             
 WEBSITE           : https://www.athertonschools.org                                              
 PRINCIPAL         : James Ply                                                     
 PRINCIPALS EMAIL  : jim@google.com   
 - jim@gmail.com                                      
 PRINCIPALS NUMBER : (810) 639-2983                                                              
 PRINCIPALS ADDRESS: 753 Eagle Dr, Fenton, MI 48430
 PRINCIPALS RELATIVES: Charles Edward Ply, Carol Ann Ply, Mary Lynn Ply
 PRINCIPAL SOCIALS : N/A                                  

Job Title: Residential Construction Builder
Job Company: One Way Design Build L.L.C.
Job Role: Domestic Limited-Liability Company
Date Filed: January 30 2009

Current Property: 2240 N Henderson Rd, Davison, MI 48423
Features: Attached Garage
Purchase Date: 11/9/2007
Purchase Price: $196,108.00 $89/sqft
Property Value: 71.2% higher than the typical Property in 48423

Property Status Info: Owned multiple Properties in Michigan
E-Mail Info: Using multiple E-Mails
OpSec Info: Poor

-+-                     0x10 Credits                    -+-

$Null ($CVV.Null) - $Null#4658 AKA Daddy Null
Community Since: '015
Industry Since: '019