Manipulating people, requesting nudes from minors.

Name: Joshua Ziglar
Age: 16-18
Born: North Carolinav
Country: United States
State: Arkansas
City: Unknown
Work: Landscaping, odd jobs
Sex: Male
Suspected narcissist

Social Medias: -
Instagram: @josh_ziglar10051
Discord: ~{GoD}~DeadKiller#4328
Steam: ProGamer10051
Xbox: ProGamer10051
UPlay: GoD.DeadKiller 
He has manipulated his "girlfriends" into giving him money and nude pictures of them by blackmailing and guilt tripping. He is also a pedophile as he has solicited lewd pictures from 10-12 year olds. If they disagree, he manipulated them into doing so. Whenever a girl tried leaving him he told them he would kill himself if they did and then emotionally abused them once they compromised.