                                                        #Basic Info#
Doxxed By : The Damned
Reason : Douche, Illegal Actions, Scamming old women out of money.
Alias's : Joshua, DOCOFDEATH, DOC and G.I Jose
Real Name : Joshua Lakes
Facebook / Instagram : https://www.facebook.com/joshua.lakes.9
IRL Pic : https://ibb.co/SwctCC7
IP Address :
Skype : N A 
Email : joshualakes34@gmail.com
Address : 
City : Stanford		
State : Kentucky
Region : Lincoln
Street View : N/A still lives with parents. 
Not including family they dont deserve this. Its Personal. 
Father: NA 
Mother: NA 
Fathers FB: NA 
Mothers FB: NA 
Fathers Cell: N A 
Mothers Cell: NA 
                                                        #Extra Info#
 Fucking Scammer. Don't be an ass. Stole 2500$ from an older lady on facebook. 
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