
                       | DROPPED BY ESLUTTT |
                       | BASIC INFORMATION |
Name: Joshua Jandel Lopez Rosario
Full Address: 114 Foster St New Haven, CT 06511
Discord: Hallow#9235
Discord ID: 413851875155378197 (https://discord.id/)
Roblox: narkagan, moatezbe7
TikTok: haallows
Instagram: manipullator
Age: 19
Birthday: August 26, 2005
Phone Number: +1 (704) 701-0182
Picture: https://imgur.com/a/rqgZms9
                         | HOUSE INFO |
House Picture: https://imgur.com/a/yWDHTnS
                         | CREDIT CARD |
Card number: 4117 7640 9178 7448
CVV: 629
Expiration Date: 11/23
                        | REASON OF DOX |
He leaked a 15 year old girl's nudes over relationship problems and has his friends sending them out to her friends and threatened to send them to her cousin/other family members over a roblox account.
+ He is lying to the government over a disability check (basically free money per month for him cause he has no job and can't drive)
PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/U6RLuaJ
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