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First Name : Josh
Last Name : Vickers
Phone Number : IE+353 852116449
Address : 8 Wheatfields Grove, Rowlagh 8
City : Dublin
Province : Dublin 22
Postal Code : D22
Instagram : joshv.5
YouTube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCjhQykbfFIeZ7NekkK5SGsw
His Dedi IP : 

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Takes about 20 years to do cars for people too, basically
scamming in itself!

Says he took 4-6 weeks to do banks around the map although
was about 4 days and decided he'd rather a script rather
than the reskin.

Also a dox for a dox really, you gave out someone's name
publicly and slandered it by calling them a scammer. So,
I will do the same!