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 _________        .---"""      """---.                              | 
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|:______B:|      | |                | |                             | 
|:______B:|      | |     Dox of     | |                             | 
|         |      | |Joseph Whitfield| |                             |
|         |      | |                | |                             |
|:_____:  |      | |                | |                             | 
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              :____________________________:                        | 
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/_/_/ /_/\__/_/   \____/\__,_/\__,_/\___/\__/_/\____/_/ /_/ 
Greetings incels, Today we have the paste of slices stepfather, he was harrassing me and was telling me he would contact the police because I posted slice on
doxbin. he also sent me many deathreats and threatened to get my parents sued LOL

2. shit opsec
3. sending death threats
4. being black

                                                                         ___                       .-.              
                                                                        (   )    .-.              /    \            
   .-..     .--.    ___ .-.        .--.      .--.    ___ .-.     .---.   | |    ( __)  ___ .-.    | .`. ;    .--.   
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 | |  | | |  |/  |  | |         _\_`.(___) | |  | |  | |  | |   / .'| |  | |     | |   | |  | |   | |      | |  | | 
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 | |  ' | |  .'.-.  | |         | |  `\ |  | '  | |  | |  | |  ; |  ; |  | |     | |   | |  | |   | |      | '  | | 
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 | \__.'   `.__.'  (___)         '.___.'    `.__.'  (___)(___) `.__.'_. (___)   (___) (___)(___) (___)      `.__.'  
 | |                                                                                                                

Full Name: Joseph Tobiah Whitfield Jr
Age: 38
Race: African American
DOB: 2/13/1985

instagram: joseph.whitfield.980     onlyjshea142
add my cord for pics     chris.#1000      gruesome#0001

Current Adress: 7503 Glen Vista St.Houston, TX 77061+2824 

Previous Addresses:
15923 Plagens Ln, Missouri City, TX 77489  
Fort Bend County

8625 Winkler Dr #3107, Houston, TX 77017  
Harris County

6360 Skyline Dr #118, Houston, TX 77057  
Harris County

7503 Glenvista St, Houston, TX 77061  
Harris County

5022 S Willow Dr #304, Houston, TX 77035  
Harris County

PO Box 266134, Houston, TX 77207  
Harris County

10847 Sandpiper Dr, Houston, TX 77096  
Harris County

75 Glen Vis, Houston, TX 77061  
Harris County

9240 Nathaniel St #1014, Houston, TX 77075  
Harris County

9220 Nathaniel St #696, Houston, TX 77075  
Harris County

3018 Wichita St, Houston, TX 77004  
Harris County

7503 Glen, Houston, TX 77061  
Harris County

Phone Number(s):

(832) 921-7397

(713) 946-2657

(713) 493-4113

(832) 830-8645

(281) 416-9375

(832) 571-5964

(713) 643-4047
 _______  _______  _______ _________ _                _______  _______  _______  ______   _______  _______  _______ 
(  ____ \(  ___  )(       )\__   __/( \   |\     /|  (       )(  ____ \(       )(  ___ \ (  ____ \(  ____ )(  ____ \
| (    \/| (   ) || () () |   ) (   | (   ( \   / )  | () () || (    \/| () () || (   ) )| (    \/| (    )|| (    \/
| (__    | (___) || || || |   | |   | |    \ (_) /   | || || || (__    | || || || (__/ / | (__    | (____)|| (_____ 
|  __)   |  ___  || |(_)| |   | |   | |     \   /    | |(_)| ||  __)   | |(_)| ||  __ (  |  __)   |     __)(_____  )
| (      | (   ) || |   | |   | |   | |      ) (     | |   | || (      | |   | || (  \ \ | (      | (\ (         ) |
| )      | )   ( || )   ( |___) (___| (____/\| |     | )   ( || (____/\| )   ( || )___) )| (____/\| ) \ \__/\____) |
|/       |/     \||/     \|\_______/(_______/\_/     |/     \|(_______/|/     \||/ \___/ (_______/|/   \__/\_______)

Full Name: Jason Tyler Whitfield
Born: Dec 1972
Age: 50

Current Adress: 8800 Broadway St #5392, Houston, TX 77061  

Past Addresses:
7011 River Mill Dr, Spring, TX 77379  

10440 South Dr #1015, Houston, TX 77099  

17630 Wayforest Dr #287, Houston, TX 77060  

5834 Bellfort St, Houston, TX 77033  

PO Box 1371, Morgan City, LA 70381  

4716 Walden Cir #1632, Orlando, FL 32811  

7503 Glenvista St, Houston, TX 77061  

11111 Rockford Dr, Houston, TX 77048  

10201 Telephone Rd #208, Houston, TX 77075  

2672 St Raphael, Saint Ann, MO 63074  

208 Telephone Rd #10201, Houston, TX 77023  

1265 Hafner Pl, University City, MO 63130  

1265 Hafner Pl, Saint Louis, MO 63130  

1 West Ln, Houston, TX 77019  

2772 San Rafael Pl, Saint Louis, MO 63114  

2672 San Rafael Pl, Saint Louis, MO 63114  

Phone Numbers
(832) 671-2608

(281) 323-0340

(832) 830-8645

(281) 251-8345

(281) 257-3410

(832) 422-3849

(314) 994-3086


Bay & Bayou Marine
7011 River Mill Dr Spring Tx 77379-
Bay & Bayou Marine
7011 River Mill Dr Spring Tx 77379
Bay And Bayou Storage & Marine
10440 South Dr Houston Tx 77099
Bay And Bayou Storage & Marine
10440 South Dr Apt 1015 Houston Tx 77099-2810

Full Name	Jeremias T Whitfield
Born	Nov 1983
Age	39

Current Address: 7740 W Little York Rd #1111, Houston, TX 77040  

Past Adresses:
7503 Glen Vista St, Houston, TX 77061  

7503 Glenvista St, Houston, TX 77061  

7740 W Little York Rd #1021, Houston, TX 77040  

Phone Numbers
(713) 856-0273

(713) 924-8163

(713) 643-1059

(713) 643-4047

(832) 618-8986

(713) 645-8677

Full Name: Leota Grinston Whitfield
Born: Dec 1946
Age: 76

Current Address: 6105 W Orem Dr #317, Houston, TX 77085 

Past Addresses:

2201 Orem Dr #632, Houston, TX 77047 


Full Name: Deniece R Whitfield
Born: Mar 1960
Age: 62

Current	Address: 6922 Grant Dr, Magnolia, TX 77354  

Past Addresses:

25200 Interstate 45 #76, Spring, TX 77386  

25469 Borough Park Dr #1236, Spring, TX 77380  

5621 Windsor Forest Dr, Houston, TX 77088  

25469 Borough Park Dr #1236, The Woodlands, TX 77380  

15330 Ella Blvd #2504, Houston, TX 77090  

702 N Sky Dr, Houston, TX 77073  

4250 Southchase Ln, Houston, TX 77014  

11738 Teaneck Dr, Houston, TX 77089  

103 E Edgebrook Dr #4722, Houston, TX 77034  

7611 Glenview Dr #7, Houston, TX 77061  

11758 Teaneck Dr, Houston, TX 77089  

425 Southchase Ln, Houston, TX 77014  

425 Southchase, Houston, TX 77014  

425 S Chase, Houston, TX 77019  

306 S 39th St, East Saint Louis, IL 62207  

702 Key St, Houston, TX 77009  

Phone Numbers
(281) 252-4460

(910) 551-7808

(281) 731-2185

(281) 821-5324

(618) 271-4266

(713) 484-8774


Full Name: Tyrone Earl Whitfield Sr
Born: Sep 1961
Age: 61

Current Address: 6922 Grant Dr, Magnolia, TX 77354
Past Addresses:
5621 Windsor Forest Dr, Houston, TX 77088  

25200 Interstate 45 #76, Spring, TX 77386  

702 N Sky Dr, Houston, TX 77073  

4250 Southchase Ln, Houston, TX 77014  

11738 Teaneck Dr, Houston, TX 77089  

25469 Borough Park Dr #1236, Spring, TX 77380  

7611 Glenview Dr #7, Houston, TX 77061  

5834 Bellfort St, Houston, TX 77033  

425 Southchase Ln, Houston, TX 77014  

425 Southchase, Houston, TX 77014  

425 S Chase, Houston, TX 77019  

103 E Edgebrook Dr #4722, Houston, TX 77034  

12300 Fleming Dr #108, Houston, TX 77013  

702 Key St, Houston, TX 77009  

Phone Numbers
(281) 252-4460

(713) 828-4659

(281) 484-8774

(281) 757-0401

(281) 821-5324

(281) 893-1847

(713) 484-8774

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Joseph, stop sending death threats to minors you pedophile and rest in piss pussio.

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                                |  |_) | |_) |
                                |  | \ | |   |
                                |            |
                 ______.______%_|            |__________ ._____
               _/                                              |
              |                 Joseph Whitfield               | 
              |_____.-._________              ____/|___________|
                                |   rest in  |
                                |     piss   |
                                |            |
                                |            |
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