Jordan Stoddard Oklahoma City, OK Hacker alias: kattstof Reason for Doxxing: Being a half ass hacker, traitor and all around cocksucker. FEEL FREE TO TROLL THE FUCK OUT OF HIM HES HELLA SHADY Uses his girls facebook "Maddie Leslie Stoddard" Because his profiles keep getting flagged down by us. Just type in her name it should be the only one (picture of a fat girl with dark hair smiling) (Hes on that profile full time so feel free to spam the fuck out of it with whatever you want or can come up with we don't care what you do) (Jordan claims to be a hacker and a "Juggalo" but he's really just a country redneck in okc, we tried accepting him because that's what family is all about but he kept betraying us, he has mental illnesses and ptsd that get the better of him and uses that as a excuse to fuck people over and we are just done with him. He took a facebook group with over 5 thousand plus members that did not rightfully belong to him and removed them and shut us out.) (He likes to infiltrate facebook groups and chats for his benefit alone mostly to doxx people to use as blackmail or to use as threats. From word of mouth he changed his ways but he's still been hacking and doxxing in his spare time from what we've been told from several people.) (So (1-29-20) and (1-30-20) One of our members decided to make a preemptive attack back without asking and used our group leaders name without prior permissions and made a youtube account to talk mad trash on members of our former group we had to place this member on a timeout because some of his comments were to be considered illegal and harassment so we forced him to delete them and we flagged them as well. and our inside source told us it was a huge fiasco and that a member or two was caught in the crossfire for being two faced, but you cant make a omelette without cracking a few eggs so fuck the people in the crossfire anyway we are glad you (family chat) are at each other's throats and throwing out accusations we think it's funny to see you all squirm. He started it by his trash talking lyric video when we've had nothing to do with him for awhile after he trashed our group we started over and left him alone and he made his cute silly diss video so we finished it :) If you want to join a drama free group feel free to join our new group on facebook Juggalo Family Love And we'll show you what juggalo love is all about! So if you feel like trolling feel free to spam the living fuck out of this kid hes done nothing but make fun of members of our group accusing good people of being drug addicts and whores and having relations with transsexuals we are good people and wont take it laying down and wont allow some kid to publicly defame good people. and don't let him scare you hes as fake as they come and if you want more info on him just contact our group admins on facebook and we'll give you other personal details on this.