Want to make the world a better place by preventing a couple C-PTSD diagnoses in future people who once were children who got targeted by this pedophile?

What I'm hoping to achieve:
* Luring him into a predator ploy and then posting the proof to dumpen.se which is a major pedo-exposing website in Sweden.

I'm not giving up easily which is why I want to team up in a Telegram Group = https://t.me/+qE-WdC2RPQpkZmJk
* You'll probably only know english and not swedish but it's important to pretend that you're in Sweden close to Jönköping when you're talking to him.

Has undressed on Skype call showing his dick to 10-11 year olds in the Skype call = NO PROOF UNFORTUNATELY, YOU WILL HAVE TO SET UP A PREDATOR PLOY TO START 100% BELIEVING ME
Actively seeks out young friend groups e.g. swedish EPA-Tractor friend groups in the age ranges of 14-15
Into VrChat, furry and has 30 year old men furries as friends he plays VrChat with who could be supporting his pedophilia-sexuality

Name = Jonathan Daniel Sebastian Fagell
Age = 20
Gender = Male
Country = Sweden
City = Jönköping
Postal Code = 554 72
Address = Lovisagatan 14 B lgh 1202
Birth = 12 March 2004
Discord = rainbow_c00kie
Steam = https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198285578616 (PUBLIC FRIENDS LIST YOU CAN EASILY CONTACT HIS FRIENDS) >>> childhood friend of his? = https://steamcommunity.com/id/STS_8333
Tiktok = https://www.tiktok.com/@rainbow_c0okie2
Youtube Channel = https://www.youtube.com/@Rainbow__cookie/featured
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/jonathan.fagell/ = i think his friends are public and he has his dad on there as a friend
Phone number = 073-6744331

Public Discord Servers Logs:
2024-06-05 22:54 > rainbow_c00kie > Ubuntu Hideout > I have no idea my parents fixed it for me i just got my own apartment
* This pedophile hasn't suffered any consequences and got an apartment for free probably his Dad gave it to him/is currently paying for it.

Has medium intellectual disability and low-functioning autism

Discord Servers he's in so you can join them and DM him without needing to be friends with him on discord:
Brony discord server = https://discord.com/invite/9cckJHZ4bs

His face reveal = Family Picture "he's the brunette" = https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/90861539_3360281670666700_261961574485327872_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s960x960&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=2a1932&_nc_ohc=5A0PVXtvgEsQ7kNvgE0xItO&_nc_ht=scontent-arn2-1.xx&oh=00_AYAPNtLlAxASkrmyM11iNnW6rLQ0Mk9NtBJyIiPzXxuoMA&oe=66BBB1B9