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                                                                    1.: Reason  
                                                                    2.: Personal Info
                                                                    3.: Social Media
                                                                    4.: Final Notes
                                                                    5.: Credits      

============Reason for Dox============
 Sending explicit images to a 14 year old girl, then lying about it

============Personal info============
Name: JoJo
DOB: January 21, 1998
Ethnicity: Mexican
Paleness: White as fuck
Location: Illinois, USA --- (Pic of residence): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/518250145062584340/986397630659723294/20220614_173126.jpg 
============Social Media============
Discord:     JoJo#9947 --- 360127199363334144
Battle.NET:  JoJo#13406
League:      HDuck
Playstation: DeathJigsaw
Spotify:     lewdstarjojo --- https://open.spotify.com/user/lewdstarjojo
Twitch:      https://www.twitch.tv/jojoluludj
Twitter:     https://twitter.com/jojoluludj
============Final Notes============

A pedophile and a scumbag. Do not believe his "nicest person ever" personality, he will ask underage girls for nudes then act like he didn't know she was underage

Doxxed by: Glxtch Gang
