- Doxed By Blizzy -

[1] Cheating on family and is just an overall ass.


|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x02  Social Media.............................          |
|      0x03  Family...................................          |
|      0x04  Business Details.........................          |
|                  0x01  Personal Information                   |
Full Name....: John R McDonald 
Gender.......: Male
Age..........: 65
Numbers......: (830)-606-0651 (Cindy & John's Number.) 
State........: Texas
City.........: New Braunfels
Address......: 2237 Waterford Grace
IP Address...:
       IRL Photos..: https://prnt.sc/u7a4tn (Business Photo)

|                  0x02  Social Media                           |
Website.............: https://www.johnmcdonalddental.com/
Twitter................: https://twitter.com/jmcdonald7
Email Address..........: cmcdnb123@satx.rr.com, amys@macys.com, jmcdonald7@aol.com, shellyr@sbcglobal.net (Work Email.), scottorthotmj@prodigy.net
Common Passwords....: ryanandjay, dentist1

|                  0x03  Familly                                |
Spouse: Cindy L McDonald, AKA : (Cindy L Carlson)
  ? Facebook.....: No Facebook Account
  ? Numbers....: (830)-606-0651 (Current), (830)-558-9609 (Past Number)
  ? Emails...: cmcdonald@axs4u.net, johnnymac1@axs4u.net, mcdc2478@satx.rr.com, johnnymac1@gmail.com, johnnymac@gmail.com, johnnymac@axsu.net, johnnymac1@axsu.net, johnnymac@axs4u.net

Their is also two children he has raised which i will leave out beside some basic information from their child hood..: 

Ryan's Basic Information: 
Ryan's Old Email..: rac_817@yahoo.com
Ryan's Old Username..: coolcrazy123
Ryan's Old Password..: gijoe123

|                  0x04 Business Details                        |
Company Name...: John McDonald Dental. 
Company Website...: https://www.johnmcdonalddental.com/
Company Owner...: John R McDonald. 
Company Address...: 14100 San Pedro Ave., Suite 318, San Antonio, TX 78232.
Company Phone Number...: (210) 494-7734, (Company Fax Number): (210) 494-7751.
Company Email Address...: shellyr@sbcglobal.net. 

Company Working Hours...: 
Monday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Thursday: 7:30am to 4:00pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed