__                            __                  __             ______                
/  |                          /  |                /  |           /      \               
$$ |____    ______    _______ $$/   _______       $$/  _______  /$$$$$$  |______        
$$      \  /      \  /       |/  | /       |      /  |/       \ $$ |_ $$//      \       
$$$$$$$  | $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ $$ |/$$$$$$$/       $$ |$$$$$$$  |$$   |  /$$$$$$  |      
$$ |  $$ | /    $$ |$$      \ $$ |$$ |            $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |      
$$ |__$$ |/$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  |$$ |$$ \_____       $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$ \__$$ |      
$$    $$/ $$    $$ |/     $$/ $$ |$$       |      $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$    $$/       
$$$$$$$/   $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/  $$/  $$$$$$$/       $$/ $$/   $$/ $$/      $$$$$$/        

full name: John Linwood Bachtell
Address: 1081 Lincoln Way W, Chambersburg PA 17202
Phone: (717) 372-1760
Email: jbachtell1@worldnet.att.net
Born on March 22nd, 1949 (74 years old) 

Wealth (59)	
Donor (65)	
Travel (53)

wife: Marlene Bachtell
age: 71

                                          __                                                      __        __                     
                                         /  |                                                    /  |      /  |                    
  ______    ______    ______   __     __ $$/   ______   __    __   _______         ______    ____$$ |  ____$$ | __    __   _______ 
 /      \  /      \  /      \ /  \   /  |/  | /      \ /  |  /  | /       |       /      \  /    $$ | /    $$ |/  |  /  | /       |
/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |$$  \ /$$/ $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |/$$$$$$$/        $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$ |/$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |/$$$$$$$/ 
$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$/ $$    $$ | $$  /$$/  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$      \        /    $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$      \ 
$$ |__$$ |$$ |      $$$$$$$$/   $$ $$/   $$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ \__$$ | $$$$$$  |      /$$$$$$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ \__$$ | $$$$$$  |
$$    $$/ $$ |      $$       |   $$$/    $$ |$$    $$/ $$    $$/ /     $$/       $$    $$ |$$    $$ |$$    $$ |$$    $$ |/     $$/ 
$$$$$$$/  $$/        $$$$$$$/     $/     $$/  $$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/         $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$/  
$$ |                                                                                                           /  \__$$ |          
$$ |                                                                                                           $$    $$/           
$$/                                                                                                             $$$$$$/            

5566 Rolling Rd
Chambersburg, PA 17202
Nov 1988 - Jul 2017
(717) 372-1760

17333 Gay St
Hagerstown, MD 21740
Aug 1988 - Aug 1988

           __                                                                              __                                     
          /  |                                                                            /  |                                    
  ______  $$ |____    ______   _______    ______         _______   __    __  _____  ____  $$ |____    ______    ______    _______ 
 /      \ $$      \  /      \ /       \  /      \       /       \ /  |  /  |/     \/    \ $$      \  /      \  /      \  /       |
/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |      $$$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$ $$$$  |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ 
$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$    $$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$    $$ |$$ |  $$/ $$      \ 
$$ |__$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$$/       $$ |  $$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |__$$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ |       $$$$$$  |
$$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |$$       |      $$ |  $$ |$$    $$/ $$ | $$ | $$ |$$    $$/ $$       |$$ |      /     $$/ 
$$$$$$$/  $$/   $$/  $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/  $$$$$$$/       $$/   $$/  $$$$$$/  $$/  $$/  $$/ $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$$/ $$/       $$$$$$$/  
$$ |                                                                                                                              
$$ |                                                                                                                              

(717) 372-1760
Current Phone Number
Wireless - Starting Jun 2014 - New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - DC

(717) 369-2324
Landline - Starting Aug 2010 - The United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC dba CenturyLink

(717) 264-0322
Landline - Starting Oct 2013 - The United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC dba CenturyLink

(304) 267-8164
Landline - Starting Mar 2016 - Frontier West Virginia Inc

(717) 267-8164
Landline - Starting Mar 2016 - The United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC dba CenturyLink

(717) 369-4085
Landline - Starting Mar 2016 - The United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC dba CenturyLink

(717) •••- ••30

 ________  __       __   ______   ______  __         ______  
/        |/  \     /  | /      \ /      |/  |       /      \ 
$$$$$$$$/ $$  \   /$$ |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$/ $$ |      /$$$$$$  |
$$ |__    $$$  \ /$$$ |$$ |__$$ |  $$ |  $$ |      $$ \__$$/ 
$$    |   $$$$  /$$$$ |$$    $$ |  $$ |  $$ |      $$      \ 
$$$$$/    $$ $$ $$/$$ |$$$$$$$$ |  $$ |  $$ |       $$$$$$  |
$$ |_____ $$ |$$$/ $$ |$$ |  $$ | _$$ |_ $$ |_____ /  \__$$ |
$$       |$$ | $/  $$ |$$ |  $$ |/ $$   |$$       |$$    $$/ 
$$$$$$$$/ $$/      $$/ $$/   $$/ $$$$$$/ $$$$$$$$/  $$$$$$/  
ojbachetell33@worldnet.att.net (inactive)
jbachtell1@worldnet.att.net (Current)

 __    __   ______   __       __  ________        ______  __    __  ________  ______  
/  |  /  | /      \ /  \     /  |/        |      /      |/  \  /  |/        |/      \ 
$$ |  $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$  \   /$$ |$$$$$$$$/       $$$$$$/ $$  \ $$ |$$$$$$$$//$$$$$$  |
$$ |__$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$  \ /$$$ |$$ |__            $$ |  $$$  \$$ |$$ |__   $$ |  $$ |
$$    $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$  /$$$$ |$$    |           $$ |  $$$$  $$ |$$    |  $$ |  $$ |
$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ $$ $$/$$ |$$$$$/            $$ |  $$ $$ $$ |$$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |
$$ |  $$ |$$ \__$$ |$$ |$$$/ $$ |$$ |_____        _$$ |_ $$ |$$$$ |$$ |     $$ \__$$ |
$$ |  $$ |$$    $$/ $$ | $/  $$ |$$       |      / $$   |$$ | $$$ |$$ |     $$    $$/ 
$$/   $$/  $$$$$$/  $$/      $$/ $$$$$$$$/       $$$$$$/ $$/   $$/ $$/       $$$$$$/  

Square Feet

Year Built

Estimated Value

Estimated Equity

Non-Owner Occupied


Land Use
Single Family Residential

Property Class

Lot sqft

                                                  __              __                        
                                                /  |            /  |                        
  ______    _______  _______   ______    _______ $$/   ______   _$$ |_     ______    _______ 
 /      \  /       |/       | /      \  /       |/  | /      \ / $$   |   /      \  /       |
 $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$//$$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ $$ | $$$$$$  |$$$$$$/   /$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ 
 /    $$ |$$      \$$      \ $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ | /    $$ |  $$ | __ $$    $$ |$$      \ 
/$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  |$$$$$$  |$$ \__$$ |$$ \_____ $$ |/$$$$$$$ |  $$ |/  |$$$$$$$$/  $$$$$$  |
$$    $$ |/     $$//     $$/ $$    $$/ $$       |$$ |$$    $$ |  $$  $$/ $$       |/     $$/ 
 $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$/   $$$$$$$/ $$/  $$$$$$$/    $$$$/   $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/  
Monica Breneman
age 51
Mercedes Bailey
age 32
Monica Breneman
age 51
Ralph Breneman
age 62
                         __                  __    __                      __             ______          
                        /  |                /  |  /  |                    /  |           /      \         
 __   __   __   ______  $$ |____    _______ $$/  _$$ |_     ______        $$/  _______  /$$$$$$  |______  
/  | /  | /  | /      \ $$      \  /       |/  |/ $$   |   /      \       /  |/       \ $$ |_ $$//      \ 
$$ | $$ | $$ |/$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ $$ |$$$$$$/   /$$$$$$  |      $$ |$$$$$$$  |$$   |  /$$$$$$  |
$$ | $$ | $$ |$$    $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$      \ $$ |  $$ | __ $$    $$ |      $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$$$/   $$ |  $$ |
$$ \_$$ \_$$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ |__$$ | $$$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |/  |$$$$$$$$/       $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$ \__$$ |
$$   $$   $$/ $$       |$$    $$/ /     $$/ $$ |  $$  $$/ $$       |      $$ |$$ |  $$ |$$ |    $$    $$/ 
 $$$$$/$$$$/   $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/  $$/    $$$$/   $$$$$$$/       $$/ $$/   $$/ $$/      $$$$$$/  
target: www.cpusa.org
website backend:
admin panel: /wp-login.php
usernames for the admin website:
 Username found: admin
| Username found: mrvotto
| Username found: rwood
| Username found: jsims
| Username found: jbachtell
| Username found: mbrodine
| Username found: sarmstrong 
if anybody finds a password for any of the usernames  on the Wordpress login pageI listed, email me at: thegoyzknow@proton.me to claim your prize of 250 dollars in bitcoin

 /test/: Test page
|   /robots.txt: Robots file
|   /readme.html: Wordpress version: 2
|   /: WordPress version: 6.2.2
|   /feed/: Wordpress version: 6.2.2
|   /wp-includes/images/rss.png: Wordpress version 2.2 found.
|   /wp-includes/js/jquery/suggest.js: Wordpress version 2.5 found.
|   /wp-includes/images/blank.gif: Wordpress version 2.6 found.
|   /wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js: Wordpress version 2.7 found.
|   /wp-login.php: Wordpress login page.
|   /wp-admin/upgrade.php: Wordpress login page.
|   /readme.html: Interesting, a readme.
|   /0/: Potentially interesting folder
|   /5/: Potentially interesting folder
|   /author/: Potentially interesting folder
|   /authors/: Potentially interesting folder
|_  /contact/: Potentially interesting folder
Possible sqli for queries:
|     https://www.cpusa.org:443/article/?page=450%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://www.cpusa.org:443/article/?page=2%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://www.cpusa.org:443/article/?page=3%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://cpusa.org:443/materials/?page=3%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://cpusa.org:443/materials/?page=4%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://cpusa.org:443/materials/?page=2%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://www.cpusa.org:443/party_voices_category/this-week-cpusa/?page=3%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://www.cpusa.org:443/party_voices_category/this-week-cpusa/?page=14%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|     https://www.cpusa.org:443/party_voices_category/this-week-cpusa/?page=2%27%20OR%20sqlspider
|   Possible sqli for forms:
|     Form at path: /paydues/, form's action: . Fields that might be vulnerable:
|       amnt
|       amnt
|       amnt
|       amnt
|       amnt
|       amnt
|       other
|       pay
|       pay
|       first_name
|       last_name
|       street1
|       street2
|       city
|       zip
|     Form at path: /paydues/, form's action: . Fields that might be vulnerable:
|       card_number
|_      cvv

|   Slowloris DOS attack
|     IDs:  CVE:CVE-2007-6750
|       Slowloris tries to keep many connections to the target web server open and hold
|       them open as long as possible.  It accomplishes this by opening connections to
|       the target web server and sending a partial request. By doing so, it starves
|       the http server's resources causing Denial Of Service.

CSRF Vulnerability's:

 Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/
|     Form id: interactcpusaform
|     Form action: javascript:void(0);
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/article/cpusa-co-chair-build-movements-win-the-battle-of-ideas/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/article/cpusa-co-chair-build-movements-win-the-battle-of-ideas/
|     Form id: interactcpusaform
|     Form action: javascript:void(0);
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/party_voices/good-morning-revolution-93/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/party_voices/good-morning-revolution-93/
|     Form id: interactcpusaform
|     Form action: javascript:void(0);
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/article/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/js/owl.carousel.js
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/js/owl.carousel.js
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org/
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/assets/js/ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/assets/js/ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org/
|     Path: https://cpusa.org:443/materials/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/commenting-guidelines/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/contact/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/contact/
|     Form id: interactcpusaform
|     Form action: javascript:void(0);
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/sign-up-for-our-newsletter/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/party_voices_category/this-week-cpusa/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/party_voices_category/this-week-cpusa/
|     Form id: party_voices_category
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/paydues/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/paydues/
|     Form id: cpusa-donation
|     Form action:
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/paydues/
|     Form id: process_cc_payment
|     Form action:
|     Path: https://cpusa.org:443/join-us/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/education/
|     Form id:
|     Form action: https://www.cpusa.org
|     Path: https://www.cpusa.org:443/education/
|     Form id: interactcpusaform
|_    Form action: javascript:void(0);

  ______    ______    ______    _______   ______   _______  
 /      \  /      \  /      \  /       | /      \ /       \ 
/$$$$$$  |/$$$$$$  | $$$$$$  |/$$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$  |
$$ |  $$/ $$    $$ | /    $$ |$$      \ $$ |  $$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ |      $$$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$  |$$ \__$$ |$$ |  $$ |
$$ |      $$       |$$    $$ |/     $$/ $$    $$/ $$ |  $$ |
$$/        $$$$$$$/  $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/   $$$$$$/  $$/   $$/ 
Is a member of a jewish communist organization called "communist party USA"