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     [ ]/,    \[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_/,    \[ ]=-    |               
      |/#"     \_=-___=__=__- =-_ -=_ /#"     \| _ []  |
     _/##_   _  \_-_ =  _____       _/##_   _  \_ -    |\
    [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=_0~{_ _ _}~0   [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=-   | \
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     |=_- /+\    | -=               |_=- /+\    |=_    |^^^|
     |=_ |+|+|   |= -  -_,--,_      |_= |+|+|   |  -_  |=  |
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     |_=-_       |=_=  | |  | |     |=_=        |=-    |

                                                ║ 0x01 » Introduction................  ║
                                                ║ 0x02 » Personal Information........  ║
                                                ║ 0x03 » Family......................  ║
                                                ║ 0x04 » Relatives.................... ║
    ❏ Introduction | 0x01
    » John Anthony Munoz has just been an annoying bipolar faggot recently. ;
     ⌎» Larps on alt telegrams           ; Taking his service didn't teach him anything.
     ⌎» Threatened my friend with a fake dox
     ⌎» Claims to be untouchable, :wink:

    ❏ John A Munoz  | 0x02

    ❏ Aliases
    1 | Barlito [Current]
    2 | Yoroh
    3 | Cryptic
    4 | Jeaned
    5 | Retched

    ❏ Full Details
    » Legal Name: John Munoz
    » Picture(s): N/A (insecure fuck)
    » Age: 16
    » Born: Torrance California

    ❏ Address
    » [Current] | Updated 1.03.22

    ❏ Emails
    » iicewallnutminecraftplayer@gmail.com
    » yorohxd05@outlook.com

    ❏ Phone Numbers
    » (424) 368-1667 ; MetroPCS

    ❏ Discord(s)
    » barlito#0514 ID: 801744188973514755

    ❏ IGNS & UUIDS
    » barlitolmfao     | add999b4-8110-4aae-9281-744cf37f09ba | Main
    » Retched          | 334d180a-9814-4fb5-967d-48e04e9cc3ff | Main
    » RevengeHacker    | 1e2272d3-d27c-4026-a3d6-0919face749f | SFA (Pulled)

    ❏  Socials
    » Snapchat: john_anthony14
    Status: Last seen
    » Twitch: iIceWallnutGaming
    Status: Inactive
    » Instagram: []
    Status: Will add soon
    » Tiktok: []
    Status: Will add soon

    ❏ Family | 0x03

        ❏ Names
                Claudia Arauz
                Melina Munoz
                Stephania Ramirez
                ❏ Address
                » 20336 ANZA AVE APT 32 TORRANCE CA

                    ❏ Phone Number(s)
                           (424) •••-1819 
                                 368 ?
                           (424) 368-1667 (CNAM: CLAUDIA ARAUZ)

                   !_                           /   \
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             [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]            |_=_-=_ - =_|
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           |.-'|=     []     |   !_       |_.-"`_-     |
           |   |_=- -        |   |*`~-.,  |  |=_-      |
          /^\  |=_= -        |   |_,-~`  /^\ |_ - =[]  |
      _  /   \_|_=- _   _   _|  _|  _   /   \|=_-      |
     [ ]/,    \[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]_/,    \[ ]=-    |               
      |/#"     \_=-___=__=__- =-_ -=_ /#"     \| _ []  |
     _/##_   _  \_-_ =  _____       _/##_   _  \_ -    |\
    [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=_0~{_ _ _}~0   [ ]_[ ]_[ ]_[ ]=-   | \
    |_=__-_=-_  =_|-=_ |  ,  |     |_=-___-_ =-__|_    |  \
     | _- =-     |-_   | ((* |      |= _=       | -    |___\       
     |= -_=      |=  _ |  `  |      |_-=_       |=_    |/+\|
     | =_  -     |_ = _ `-.-`       | =_ = =    |=_-   ||+||
     |-_=- _     |=_   =            |=_= -_     |  =   ||+||     
     |=_- /+\    | -=               |_=- /+\    |=_    |^^^|
     |=_ |+|+|   |= -  -_,--,_      |_= |+|+|   |  -_  |=  |
     |  -|+|+|   |-_=  / |  | \     |=_ |+|+|   |-=_   |_-/
     |=_=|+|+|   | =_= | |  | |     |_- |+|+|   |_ =   |=/
     | _ ^^^^^   |= -  | |  | |    |=_=^^^^^   |_=-   |/
     |=_ =       | =_-_| |  | |     |   =_      | -_   |
     |_=-_       |=_=  | |  | |     |=_=        |=-    |

    ❏ Credits | 0x05