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                                        -Table Of Contents-
                                        [0x000] Reasons for Dox
                                        [0x111] Basic Information
                                        [0x222] Media
                                        [0x333] Socials
                                        [0x444] Relatives
                                        [0x555] All Residence Info
                                        [0x666] Credits
                                         ???? 0x000                                             
- Has an online ego for getting laid irl
- Lied about his age to a fresh 18 girl
- Forces his voice
- Threatened to kill himself
- Is very obese
- Sleep calls with underage girls
- Lives with his parents and is poor

                                         ???? 0x111                                            

Full Name >> Joseph Douglas Shaw
Alias(s) >> vengeance/lmmolate/retribuse/Joey
DOB >> October 1997
Age >> 23
Country >> United States of America
State >> Nevada
City >> Henderson
Phone Number(s) >> (702)-454-1051, (702)-969-1365
Address >> 2825 Marathon Drive, Henderson, NV, 89074
Secondary Address >> 5475 Tartan Hill Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89141
Email >> jshawlv@gmail.com 
           ┕╍╍╍ Hash: $H$9ngmCOR6A27YtRNa81TqoApFN74aNd/ 	
IPs >>
Occupation >> Social Reject
Relationship Status >> Very Single

                                         ???? 0x222                                            

- https://imgur.com/a/t0WEl4d (Freak saying he's gonna kill himself)
- https://imgur.com/a/lcdPrvh (Personal favorite) 
- https://imgur.com/a/mGivmdx
- https://imgur.com/a/oRxFxWt
- https://imgur.com/a/ucDFHUg
- https://imgur.com/a/GdCnRyn
- https://imgur.com/a/5FyJhtQ
- https://imgur.com/a/ylquOTO
- https://imgur.com/a/XzaMPWW
- https://imgur.com/a/1dNUp4P

                                         ???? 0x333                                           

- https://www.instagram.com/lmmolate/
- https://instagram.com/retribuse 
- https://www.snapchat.com/add/retribuse
- Discord: vengeance#1113
- Discord ID: 838911732024999960

                                         ???? 0x444                                           

--- Mother ---

Full Name >> Elizabeth Anjela Shaw
Age >> 59
Birth Year >> 1961
Address >> 5475 Tartan Hill Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89141
Email >> eshaw@sbcglobal.net
Phone Number >> (702) 281-8909‬

--- Father ---
Full Name >> Michael E Shaw
Age >> 59
Birth Year >> 1961
Home Address >> 5475 Tartan Hill Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89141
Email >> wgmack23@yahoo.com
Phone Number >> (702) 376-0957

                                         ???? 0x555                                           

Address: 2825 Marathon Drive, Henderson, NV, 89074 
- Constructed in 1986
- 1,573 sf building | 7,405 sf lot
- Market value of $371,600
- $1,389 in property tax

Address: 5475 Tartan Hill Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89141
- Constructed in 2014
- 2,980 sf building | 4,356 sf lot
- Market value of $465,000
- $3,254 in property tax

                                         ???? 0x666                                           

Dox made by: doxbin.org/user/ciggy
Shoutout to unit (doxbin.org/user/unit) 
   ___/  ////////  \____/    Rolled by ciggy       |
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