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               Name: Joseph R. Biden Jr.
            Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA
           Phone #1: +1 202-456-1111
              Alias: Joe, Sleepy Joe, 46th President
         Occupation: President of the United States
            Born on: November 20, 1942
         Birthplace: Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA
          Residence: The White House, Washington D.C.
          Education: - University of Delaware (BA)
                     - Syracuse University (JD)
      Notable Works: - 47th Vice President of the USA (2009-2017)
                     - 46th President of the USA (2021-Present)
            Hobbies: Eating ice cream, riding Amtrak, wearing aviator sunglasses

           Contact Information:
            Official Website: whitehouse.gov
               Twitter: @JoeBiden
               Instagram: @joebiden
               Facebook: JoeBiden

         Public Service Announcement:
  Remember to wear your mask, stay safe, and get vaccinated!