( ROD: being a faggot, and he was tryna be a fed and get us busted ) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-UaNJZNcbA ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- _ ___ ___ _ __ __ ___ ___ ___ _ | |/ _ \| __| /_\ | \/ |_ _/ __/ _ \ | || | (_) | _| / _ \| |\/| || | (_| (_) | \__/ \___/|___| /_/ \_\_| |_|___\___\___/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- ( Current City: ) Wenham, Massachusetts 66 Topsfield Rd Wenham MA 01984-1931 ttps://www.zillow.com/homedetails/8-Old-Town-Rd-Beverly-MA-01915/108615821_zpid/ ------------------------------------------------------------ ( Education: ) Lycoming College (Classs of 1969) Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Saugus High School (Class of 1965) Saugus, Massachusetts. ----------------------------------------------------------- ( Job and place of work: ) Tabernacle Congregational Church, United Church of Christ Pastor ยท Salem, Massachusetts (How can you be gay and a pastor??????) ------------------------------------------------------------ ( Social Media's: ) https://www.facebook.com/joe.amico Work Number/Main Number:978-744-3164 Verizon