Name at Address    Brian J Welty     Name & Address Match (VR01)
Address    1559 Valley View Blvd Apt 7 
Altoona PA 16602-6046    Address Verified (AS01) Moved (AS12)
Notice    Brian J Welty moved to the address shown above.
Property Information    Owner Info
Email     Email Appended (DA40)
Phone    814-937-5164     Phone Appended (DA30)
MAK (Melissa Address Key)    1909588410    (BaseMAK=7739854376)      Personator Search by MAK
Lat. & Long.    40.501412 -78.387265
Address Type    Residential
Postal Carrier Route    C002      (DPC: 07-2 )      Map
U.S. Representative    John Joyce (R) (13)      Map
Census Entities    County 42013 Blair      Map 
County Subdivision 02184 Altoona city     Map 
Tract 1015.00      Map 
Block 1052      Map      Block Parcels 
City, Place or Town 4202184 Altoona         Map 
Unified School District 02340 Altoona Area School District      Map
State Upper District    030      Map
State Lower District    079      Map
Delivery Post Office    Altoona 
1201 11Th Ave
Altoona PA 16602      Map 
Last Name Ethnicity
2010 Census    White: 94.65%, Black: (S)%, Hispanic: 2.48%, Asian: (S)% 
Last Name Rank: 6,894
This is the girl who catfished as Mia (sinners) and august