
Reasons for being doxxed:
Associating FAGGOT LGBT content with our Holy movement and for going against the teachings of Mohamed


Background: She's an annoying 30 year woman who posts shitty leftist infographics on instagram. If you ever see a social justice instagram infographic (eg. 10 reasons why 
the fight for palestine is a fight for LGBT rights, why we should support 4th trimester abortions, or why Amerikkka is a LITERALLY white supremacist country), you can thank this 
annoying retard. She has 3 million followers on instagram, a ton of news articles on her, and her own podcast 

Name: Jessica M. Natale
Age: 30
Home Address: 225 Frost St #1, NY 11211
Phone number: (860) 966 8873

facedoxx: https://files.catbox.moe/jsi2o7.webp

Main insta page:https://www.instagram.com/so.informed/
personal insta: https://www.instagram.com/jess.natale?igsh=ZXdodW1pb3BzdzFm



Mom: Deb Poulin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deb.poulin?igsh=NjV0Mno0eXpsZmU1

Landlord: Louise Callegari
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/so.informed?igsh=N28xZ2R0OXZ2ZTZp