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Title:Jeremy Miller Turkish Pedo Nazi (Ruggwain)
Created:Sep 22nd, 2023
Created by: ejhsjdfhs34hsj [VIP]
Views: 1,733
Comments: 3
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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INTRODUCTION: Below is the end of Ruggwain, AKA Jeremy Miller (Father is a Turk adopted by Americans and moved to Germany). A Turkish-German student who suffers from mental illnesses like suicidality and depression and expresses his illnesses and toxicity online going after vulnerable minors and running a Nazi discord server where he spreads his sick ideas whilst at the same time keeping a facade of "decency". This individual is responsible for destruction of people's lives and harm to minors online, all done under behind mask of "decency" on his public profiles. REASONS: -Pretending to be a decent human being on Twitter whilst actually being: -An anti semite -Genocide denier -Internet bully -Xenophobe -Homophobe -Islamophobe -Genocide advocate -Nazi Turkish supremacist -Sexual harrasment of minors (pedo) A list of screenshots of Ruggwain's actions mostly in his Nazi discord server, most of which is illegal in his home country Germany: https://prnt.sc/0Fb6XQWpr1_W - casually posting Nazi chants https://prnt.sc/0cvS0KVj1wsR - casually being racist https://prnt.sc/f-t75YIu_gZV - telling people to die https://prnt.sc/xSKzA9sumGiB - harrassing minors online https://prnt.sc/43KESK9qxrLO - threatening to shoot people https://prnt.sc/mvLMoCH-gDuR - backing nazis https://prnt.sc/d8Ew7AupSprY - advocating lynching of minorities https://prnt.sc/MhCZcKXrcwCs - advocating killing of pakistanis https://prnt.sc/fGA7-LN3f3Z6 - racism towards armenians https://prnt.sc/XhKncACrlXG0 - making fun of armenian genocide https://prnt.sc/meN7QC5cPXPL - casually being racist https://prnt.sc/WcAfee4vwCeE - genocide denial https://prnt.sc/I-5tq88sYJ4d - anti semitism https://prnt.sc/emjaveFfVde2 - making fun of genocide https://prnt.sc/11SpIsmGceOZ - homophobe https://prnt.sc/91JgG7WOqzdR - islamophobe https://prnt.sc/mZ5mGCKvU8A2 - threatening to kill people https://prnt.sc/oRxBcvsyiWsO - telling people to kill themselves 1 https://prnt.sc/k9-T7XRTpwDy - telling people to kill themselves 2 https://prnt.sc/ZZwb6R3UG8Js - telling people to kill themselves 3 https://prnt.sc/csd9s0DAhvIB - telling people to kill themselves 4 https://prnt.sc/fi3I-yCrLByM - telling people to kill themselves 5 https://prnt.sc/tP6EBoihTRbj - telling people to kill themselves 6 https://prnt.sc/5S8wiOMH4eRr - telling people to kill themselves 7 https://prnt.sc/bHvAHuGvbtW3 - hates americans https://prnt.sc/pSybWNMEOhUe - insulting islam And much more... PERSONAL INFORMATION: -Picture: https://prnt.sc/2tqXpHbG_yaV -Legal Name: Jeremy Miller -Online nickname: Ruggwain -Date Of Birth: August 1st 2001 (Age 22) -Ethnicity: Turkish -Education: Last year of his 4 year Informatik study at Hochschule Darmstadt -University: Hochschule Darmstadt https://h-da.de/ -IT department https://h-da.de/studium/studienangebot/studiengaenge/information-science-und-informatik/informatik-bsc (needs to find an internship to finish), started studying in 2017 and still hasn't finished -Home Address: -Adolph-Kolping-Str. 7 -63128 Dietzenbach - Steinberg -Hesse, Germany -LinkedIn screenshot: https://prnt.sc/mxg8_rF77TJ8 -LinkedIn page (before he deleted): https://prnt.sc/wP21HUFp4-uq -Turkish origin: https://prnt.sc/HaY8BREmQJ4B -Yu Gi Oh fan and competes: https://prnt.sc/i9lK2r7kMW9A -Confirming his university by posting relevant info: https://prnt.sc/FYx1rpDooP1p -Looking for an internship to finish his study: https://prnt.sc/5xR5IjWWwTVC -Studies IT: https://prnt.sc/0JugjmoKSeNJ -Confirming location: https://prnt.sc/O_xlQYSUg67E -Confirming first name: https://prnt.sc/lMtf_6QqKIsf -Confirms studying at a UOAS, which his uni is: https://prnt.sc/MA9O5Ao_lA11 -Discord server: Six Arrows -Discord username: ruggwain -Discord server: https://disboard.org/server/465130316252577812 (link taken down after being exposed, server still exists) -Discord server link 2: https://top.gg/servers/465130316252577812 -Discord server screenshot: https://prnt.sc/lG9uQ3KW8ANG SOCIAL MEDIA: -Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ruggwain2 -Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Terminator78 -YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DakarrtheTerminator -Fanfiction website profile: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5696675/Ruggwain -LinkedIn URL: https://de.linkedin.com/in/jeremy-miller-590b18258 RELATIVES: -Picture: https://prnt.sc/bVM1IyyDPk_A -Relation: Father -Legal Name: Mark Miller -Age: 40+ -LinkedIn: https://de.linkedin.com/in/markmi -Title: Former Principal Security Assurance Lead DACH at Amazon Web Services (AWS) -Twitter: https://twitter.com/mamllerAWS -Important confirmation screenshots: -https://prnt.sc/TBslF-zRPeWU -https://prnt.sc/IqbEf8SwHAPJ -Phone: +49 6074 2398260 (unsure if correct) -Relation: Mother -Legal Name: Deniz Miller -Age: Close to 60 -Twitter: https://twitter.com/DSMRoyal -Profession: Volkshochschule German teacher -Relation: Colleague -Legal Name: Pamela Mafanhem Noubiap -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamela-mafanhem-noubiap-66b3b3219
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