Reason: Faking/Stealing Doxxes (PackDemon 2.0) and Larping + Joking about Raping small babies (possible pedophile) regardless its, sexual harassment, extorting innocent egirls (SOME OF THEM ARE MINORS) to look intimidating (hes all talk and uses websites LMFAO) Description: Jayson is a new gen jobber from Ro Wrestling who joined around 2021, and owns a fake doxxer Clan (SMOKED) full of other Fake doxxers (Zander Ziggler (fedded) , Killhra, Rocco50x (booted) , and Synnical Dickrider (ultra) Aliases: Jaysonvsworld, Rapist, SteezyJayson, Terrell (alias), Inception Jayson (Larped/False Claimed Jessie/Ghostzone never associated with this loser according to Stove), Osintsearches, bulliedbykadenjersey, Smoked Jayson, Jayson Tragic, Wuu #1 Fanboy -------MAIN INFO------- Real Name: Jayson Jenkins Race: Black Status: Pooron Age: 16 Location: Lindedhurst, Illinois Address: 3054 Falling Haven Ln Lindenhurst, IL 60046 Phone Number: 325-307-1779 Socials: Twitter: Discord: cantstopswatting (ID: 1043309718736732301) <---- use the ID to find this pedos discord incase he changes his user Roblox: Stunna4Jaysxon, tr4cksuit, xMightyJason, RevisionJasonnn Irl Photos: Useless Info: -Faked Being a Inception -Failed to dox wuus after trying for a year straight -Got bitched by Kaden Jersey in february -Doxs indy jobbers using RAT files/links to get them to join his fed -uses a fake osint tool which is a bunch of useless sites merged into 1 tool ------RELATIVES------ Brother: Bryce Jenkins Race: Black Status: Pooron/Hoodrat ---Mother--- Name: Aleisha Jenkins Race: Black Status: Hooker ------PROOF HES A FAKE DOXXER/IS A HARMLESS SKID----- Proofs 1: Proofs 2: Also he stole a dox from a user named shido ORIGINAL BY SHIDO: FAKE/LARPED BY JAYXSON: -----Final Words---- Lesson learned: dont pretend to be something you aren't larp - punisher premey SmokedK, now that ur leader has been doxxed none of u can talk shit (how do u run a roblox doxxer clan but end up being the 3rd one doxxed ur SUPPOSED TO BE THE STRONGEST LMFAO) -3 smokeds down 4 left to go and as you guys say we smoking yalls shitty larp clans pack 🚬 RoccoK, JaysonK, ZanderK for any questions comment your discord