>> Report_Creation_Date: 2021-04-30
>> Dox_created_by: @AnonZeus7 && @exploittation

--> Important-Note: "He's a pedophile, manipulator, I know EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM AND HIS PERSONALITY MORE THAN ANYONE."

-> Entire Summary: "the first time I caught Jaylen.. he claimed his dad (aka: Shawn Patrick Flaherty) was abusing him and he gave me the address | another time I caught Jaylen slipping was when he dated a fucking 12 year old when he was 17, he got her nudes and everything. | "
> Log: 'https://www.instagram.com/jaylen03x/?__a=1'
> Log: 'https://www.instagram.com//?__a=1'
> Regular-Instagram-Details:
			"category_name":"Public Figure",
    "connection_link": "https://www.instagram.com/jaylen03x",
	"connection_link": "https://www.facebook.com/jaylen.flaherty.1",
	"connection_link": "https://www.facebook.com/public/Jalen-Flaherty",
	"connection_link": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtrt9QpScTwk8ReUOemyVAA",
	"connection_link": "https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUtrt9QpScTwk8ReUOemyVAA",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/joan-lyvinsov/UxATN2QDO2IDNzITOzETO2IDMy0yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/danialle-phillips/U0kTMyczN0ATO0gTNwITOyUTO30yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/address/26551-roberta-st_roseville-mi",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/jennifer-lyvinsov/UwUDN2gzNwEzN4YjN4gTOwMTMy0yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/586-771-4491",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/586-746-9446",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/586-362-2804",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/586-776-4003",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/jennifer-lynch/UIDNzEDM2EjMxcDN1ETO5kTM1EzR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/meghan-riordan/U2QTNxETM5ETO0kDNwcjM1cTN20yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/ruth-harp/UgDMwIDN0YDMyYzN5kDNxEjMwUzR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/timothy-harp/U3YjM3YDNzIjN4YDOzAjNyADMx0yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/angela-jackson/U4MzNxYDO2QzNxkDM2ETOwEjM50yR",
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	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/antranet-rowan/UzUDM3gDM3YDNwYDNzcDNxkDM40yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/brandon-riordan/UIzMzYTM1cDOwYTO2ADN1QDOxYzR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/eugene-hall/UITN4AzNwkzM3MTM2UjM2ADO3EzR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/andrew-matthews/UwMzNzQjM1MDMxkzM1YTO1gDO40yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/blake-balakier/UAO5YDM5IzMyYDMxUTO3EDNyMzR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/christian-matthews/UUDNwUTOyMzM3IjN3MDM5gzNyYzR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/dennis-johnson/U3kjN3QzM4AzN3MDM1YDM1ITN40yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/hayley-matthews/U4MjMyITN3IjMzETNwcDM3IDO20yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/kathleen-matthews/U0EDM0cTOwAjM3gDNwQTO4YzN30yR",
	"connection_link": "https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/12840-Couwlier-Ave_Warren_MI_48089_M39797-31265",
	"connection_link": "https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/12840-Couwlier-Ave-Warren-MI-48089/83434383_zpid/",
	"connection_link": "https://www.usphonebook.com/shawn-flaherty/U2UzM3MDO5MjMxETMxcjNyUzN10yR",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/address/26551-Roberta-St-Roseville-MI-48066",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/ip/",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/phone/586-776-4003",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/email/Skulljaylen2003@gmail.com",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/name/Jaylen-Flaherty",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/ip/",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/ip/",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/ip/",
	"connection_link": "https://thatsthem.com/ip/",
	"connection_link": "https://www.mylife.com/jennifer-lyvinsov/e495340221390",
	"connection_link": "https://ar.pinterest.com/jaylenflaherty/",
	"connection_link": "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/796363146591720962/",
	"connection_link": "https://www.peoplefinders.com/products/name?id=G-2130988668710786450&city=Roseville&state=MI&firstName=Jennifer&middleName=D&lastName=Lyvinsov&age=39&landing=people&item-id=G-2130988668710786450&type=people-name&seln=Jennifer%20Lyvinsov&src=pf&age=39&utm_source=usphonebook&utm_campaign=relatives",

Found on Mother's file: "" Lawsuits, Liens or Bankruptcies found on Jennifer's Background
Criminal or Civil Court records found on Jennifer's Family, Friends, Neighbors, or Classmates ""

Summary: Jennifer Lyvinsov is 39 years old and was born on 04/14/1982. Previous to Jennifer's current city of Roseville, MI, Jennifer Lyvinsov lived in Saint Clair Shores MI and Warren MI. In the past, Jennifer has also been known as Jennifer Lynn Lyvinsov, Jennifer Lynn Harp and Jennifer L Lyvinsov. Jennifer's personal network of family, friends, associates & neighbors include Joan Lyvinsov, Megan Riordan, Timothy Harp, Albert Wiese and Terry Bonkowski.


> 3 Relatives/Associates
joan lyvinsov 77 ROSEVILLE MIJoan Lyvinsov, 77
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.73 - 3.98
megan riordan 42 PONTIAC MIMegan Riordan, 42
Pontiac, MI
Reputation Score: 3.00 - 4.17
timothy harp 40 WARREN MITimothy Harp, 40
Warren, MI
Reputation Score: 0.63 - 1.98

> 13 Neighbors
albert wiese 86 ROSEVILLE MIAlbert Wiese, 86
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.61 - 3.76
terry bonkowski 73 ROSEVILLE MITerry Bonkowski, 73
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.65 - 3.86
carol bonkowski 63 ROSEVILLE MICarol Bonkowski, 63
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.84 - 4.21
alice wiese 84 ROSEVILLE MIAlice Wiese, 84
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 1.89 - 3.76
Amanda Smith, 33
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.84 - 4.17
Karen Kelly, 60
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.54 - 4.65
Kerry Barozzini, 52
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.61 - 4.36
Kelly Gatewood, 52
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.34 - 4.17
Joshua Noble, 34
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 1.78 - 2.93
Nour Jaber, 43
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 1.85 - 3.36
Julie Marinello, 35
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.51 - 3.98
Jennifer Barozzini, 50
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.60 - 4.31
Daniel Gatewood, 60
Roseville, MI
Reputation Score: 2.84 - 4.21

>> Username: @jaylen03x
>> Name: Jaylen Flaherty
>> Gender: Male
>> Age: 18-24 range
>> Date-of-Birth:  ()
>> Phone: 586-252-3135 [Wireless]
>> PhoneStatus: Active
~> Email-Addresses: [
	    "email": "jaylen03x@gmail.com",
		"email": "jaylenflaherty@gmail.com",
		"email": "jay.flaherty@gmail.com",
		"email": "Skulljaylen2003@gmail.com",
		"email": "Jaylenflaherty2003@gmail.com"
>> Lives-With: Parents | and/or Grandparents
--> Grandmother: "Joan Doris Lyvinsov (age:77)"
    "age": "77",
	"address": "26551 Roberta St; Roseville, MI 48066-3256",
	"email": "joandorislyvinsov@gmail.com",
	"email": "jlyvinsov@yahoo.com",
	"email": "loverbaby@ameritrade.com",
	"email": "loverbaby69856@hotmail.com",
	"phone": "586-776-4003",
	"phone": "810-776-4003",
	"phone": "586-604-2973",
	"phone": "313-521-1019"
-> Parents-Names: [
	    "mother": "Jennifer Lynn Lyvinsov",
		    "age": "39",
			"date_of_birth": "04/14/1982",
			"address": "26515 Oakland St; Roseville, MI 48066-3364",
			"email": "babygirl041229@gmail.com",
			"email": "babygirl041229@tmo.blackberry.net",
			"email": "jlyvinsov@aol.com",
			"phone": "586-771-4491",
			"phone": "586-746-9446",
			"phone": "586-362-2804",
			"phone": "586-776-4003"
		"father": "Shawn Patrick Flaherty"
		    "age": "42",
			"address": "309 Jones St; Mount Clemens, MI 48043-1658",
			"alternate_address": "12840 Couwlier Ave; Warren, MI 48089-4802",
			"email": "shawnpflaherty@gmail.com",
			"email": "qclark1@yahoo.com",
			"email": "flaherty.shawn@rocketmail.com",
			"phone": "586-447-6020",
			"phone": "248-835-0116",
			"phone": "586-776-0796"
>> HomeAddress: 26551 Roberta St; Roseville, MI 48066-3256
>> IP-address:
>> IP_URL:
-> Alternate-IPs:
-> Length of Residence: 15 Years
-> Household Size: 1 Person
-> Estimated Net Worth: $10,000 - 24,999
-> Estimated Income: $10,000 - 14,999
-> Education: Completed High School
-> Occupation: Retired
-> Language: English
Old Emails:
  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "ool-182c2301.dyn.optonline.net",
  "city": "Deer Park",
  "region": "New York",
  "country": "US",
  "loc": "40.7618,-73.3293",
  "org": "AS6128 Cablevision Systems Corp.",
  "postal": "11729",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth"
  "ip": "",
  "city": "New York City",
  "region": "New York",
  "country": "US",
  "loc": "40.7143,-74.0060",
  "org": "AS22702 X5 Solutions, Inc.",
  "postal": "10004",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth"
  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "not-my-circus-not-my-monkeys.seastrom.com",
  "city": "Redwood City",
  "region": "California",
  "country": "US",
  "loc": "37.4245,-122.2960",
  "postal": "94062",
  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth"
  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "d149-67-126-177.col.wideopenwest.com",
  "city": "Pickerington",
  "region": "Ohio",
  "country": "US",
  "loc": "39.8842,-82.7535",
  "org": "AS12083 WideOpenWest Finance LLC",
  "postal": "43147",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth"
~> IP-Information:

> ISP: At&t Corp.
> Hostname: 99-182-194-45.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net
> Network: ATT-INTERNET4, — US (US)
> Routing: via AS7018
> Protocols: no publicly accessible services.

> CensysCoordinates: [42°30'49.7"N 82°56'22.6"W]
> Censys-Lat/Long: {42.5138, -82.9396}
> Censys-Timezone: [America/Detroit]
  "ip": "", 
  "autonomous_system": {
    "description": "ATT-INTERNET4, US", 
    "routed_prefix": "", 
    "country_code": "US", 
    "organization": "US", 
    "asn": 7018, 
    "name": "ATT-INTERNET4,"
  "location": [
      "city": "Roseville", 
      "country": "United States", 
      "time_zone": "America/Detroit", 
      "longitude": -82.9396, 
      "is_anonymous_proxy": false, 
      "postal_code": "48066", 
      "country_code": "US", 
      "latitude": 42.5138, 
      "continent": "North America", 
      "is_satellite_provider": false
  "ip": "",
  "hostname": "99-182-194-45.lightspeed.livnmi.sbcglobal.net",
  "city": "Warren",
  "region": "Michigan",
  "country": "US",
  "loc": "42.4904,-83.0130",
  "org": "AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.",
  "postal": "48090",
  "timezone": "America/Detroit",
  "readme": "https://ipinfo.io/missingauth"
    "query": "",
    "status": "success",
    "continent": "North America",
    "continentCode": "NA",
    "country": "United States",
    "countryCode": "US",
    "region": "MI",
    "regionName": "Michigan",
    "city": "Roseville",
    "district": "",
    "zip": "48066",
    "lat": 42.5138,
    "lon": -82.9396,
    "timezone": "America/Detroit",
    "offset": -14400,
    "currency": "USD",
    "isp": "AT&T Services, Inc.",
    "org": "AT&T Corp.",
    "as": "AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.",
    "asname": "ATT-INTERNET4",
    "mobile": false,
    "proxy": false,
    "hosting": false
	"org":"AS7018 AT&T Services, Inc.",
		"name":"AT&T Services, Inc.",
	    "name":"AT&T Corp.",
	    "address":"US, TX, Plano, 2701 W 15th ST, 75075",
~> Cellphone-Information:

> tel:586-252-3135 (OLD)

-> Line Type: Wireless
-> Phone Location: Roseville, MI
~> Cellphone-Information:

> tel:586-776-4003

-> Line Type: LandLine
-> Phone Location: 26551 Roberta St; Roseville, MI 48066-3256
--> IPs: [
	    "ip": "",
		"ip": "",
		"ip": "",
		"ip": "",
		"ip": ""
--> Email: Alyvinsov@earthlink.net
--> Email: Lookinforthechewin@yahoo.com
--> Email: Jaylenflaherty2003@gmail.com
--> Email: Bonb@gwi.net
--> Email: Loverbaby69856@hotmail.com
--> Email: Anfosab11@msn.com

-> Telephone Company: Ameritech Michigan
-> Alternate Forms: (586) 776-4003, 5867764003
~> Cellphone-Information:

> tel:586-771-4491

-> Line Type: LandLine
-> Phone Location: 26551 Roberta St; Roseville, MI 48066-3256
--> IP:
--> Email: Babygirl041229@tmo.blackberry.net

-> Telephone Company: Ameritech Michigan
-> Alternate Forms: (586) 771-4491, 5867714491
~> Cellphone-Information:

> tel:586-746-9446

-> Line Type: Mobile
-> Phone Location: 34 Scott Blvd; Mount Clemens, Michigan 48043
--> IP:
--> Email: Davey0321.gd@gmail.com

-> Telephone Company: Ameritech Michigan
-> Alternate Forms: (586) 746-9446, 5867469446
~> Cellphone-Information:

> tel:248-835-0116

-> Line Type: Mobile
-> Phone Location: Troy, MI
--> IPs: [
	    "ip": "",
		"ip": "",
		"ip": "",
		"ip": ""
--> Email: Dprehn@gmail.com
--> Email: Rozeta_b@yahoo.com
--> Email: Iheyt@msn.com
--> Email: Flaherty.shawn@rocketmail.com

-> Telephone Company: Sprint Spectrum L.p.
-> Alternate Forms: (248) 835-0116, 2488350116
~>> Prior-Addresses:
> 309 Jones St; Mount Clemens, MI 48043-1658
> 12840 Couwlier Ave; Warren, MI 48089-4802
> 21921 California St; Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080-2326
> 14873 Alberta Ave; Warren, MI 48089-2127
> 14840 Mona Ave; Warren, MI 48089-2119
> 6700 Netherlands Dr, UNIT G; Wilmington, NC 28405-4774
> 21721 Weller Ave; Warren, MI 48089-2824
> 14252 Hobart Ave; Warren, MI 48089-5013
> Chippewa Correctional Fac; Kincheloe, MI 49784-0001
~>> Alternate-Addresses:
> 26515 Oakland St; Roseville, MI 48066-3364
~>> Prior-PhoneNumbers:
> +1-586-776-4003
> +1-586-771-4491
> +1-586-746-9446
> +1-248-835-0116
~>> Alternate-Phones:
> +1-586-776-0796


Jennifer Lynch
Joan Lyvinsov
Meghan Riordan
Ruth Harp
Timothy Ivan Harp
Angela Jackson
Anthony Lynch
Antranet Rowan
Brandon Riordan

Danialle Marie Phillips
Eugene Raphael Hall
Andrew Matthews
Blake William Balakier
Christian Matthews
Dennis Johnson
Hayley Matthews
Kathleen Matthews
Lawrence Piecuch