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Urban Age: 49 Date of birth: May 30, 1976 ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ 0x03 OTHER INFORMATION DOXED BY XEHOOK CYBERCEC║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Father's phone numbers: (440) 481-3708 Landline phone House (440) 747-7483 Landline phone House (216) 990-0129 Cell phone House (216) 396-8208 Cell phone House (216) 396-6352 Cell phone House (216) 206-0172 Home phone number House Dad's relatives: Rachel M. Urban AGE: 33 Twinsburg, Ohio Robert L. Urban AGE: 64 Streetsboro, Ohio Kristin Urban AGE: 64 Twinsburg, Ohio Stephen M. Urban AGE: 69 Twinsburg, Ohio Doni R. Urban AGE: 46 Brunswick, Ohio Michael S. Urban AGE: 38 Twinsburg, Ohio Jennifer Urban age: 100 Cleveland, Ohio Joyce M. Midwell AGE: 57 Cleveland, Ohio Deborah L. Midwell AGE: 64 Independence, Ohio Father's email address: jurbassik7@gmail.com , playboyjju@sbcglobal.net , blu3gori114@yahoo.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Father's crimes: JEREMY D. URBAN Age: 43 (born May 30, 1976) Race and gender: not specified Address: 1833 Laurel Drive, Twinsburg, Ohio CRIME 1: MM — SPEED 81 55 Case number: 94TRD08958 Decision: GUILTY Crime scene: unavailable Date of the judgment: January 31, 1997 Date of sentencing: not specified ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Speeding 2: JEREMY D. URBAN Age: 43 (born May 30, 1976) Race and gender: not specified Address: 7611 Chesterfield Avenue, Parma, Ohio UO — SPEEDING 31 20 Case number: 13TRD00369 Decision: GUILTY Crime scene: unavailable Date of the decision: January 30, 2013 Sentencing date: unavailable ------------------------------------------- Assault charge: JEREMY D. URBAN Age: 43 (born May 30, 1976) Race and gender: White male Address: unavailable CRIME 1: attack Case number: unavailable Solution: unavailable Crime scene: Cuyahoga, Ohio Decision date: unavailable Sentencing date: unavailable CRIME 2: attack Case number: unavailable Solution: unavailable Crime scene: CUYAHOGA, Ohio Sentencing date: unavailable Sentencing date: unavailable ---------------------------------- Father's job: refrigeration engineer at Nestlé Father's spouse: Married to Jennifer Midwell Urban Since March 28, 2009 Middle School for Fathers: Attended Cuyahoga Heights High School ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ 0x03 MOTHER INFORMATION DOXED BY XEHOOK CYBERCEC║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Mom's full name: Jennifer J. Midwell, also known as Jennifer J. Urban Mom's address: 4195 Beta Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Date of birth: April 5, 1979 Mom's age: 40 Mom's phone numbers: (216) 269-9293 Mobile phone Home (216) 636-8452 landline phone work Mom's email addresses: jennifermeadwell@sbcglobal.net , jennifermeadwell@bellsouth.net Mom's Work: The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Mom's School: Cuyahoga Heights High School Mom's relatives: Deborah L. Midwell age: 64 Independence, Ohio Joyce M. Midwell AGE: 57 YEARS OLD Cleveland, Ohio Matthew R. Midwell age: 22 Cleveland, Ohio ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ 0x03 OTHER INFORMATION DOXED BY XEHOOK CYBERCEC║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Full name of the brothers: Matthew R. Midwell The brothers' address is 7122 Bletch, Connecticut Cleveland, Ohio 44125 Brothers' age: 22 Brothers, date of birth: September 22, 1997 Brothers number: (216) 441-4011 Brothers' work and education: . A joint venture between Net Mobility and Product Lifecycles Lubrizol Corporation The brothers' email address: matthew.meadwell@lubrizol.com ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ 0x03 Grandmother's INFORMATION DOXED BY XEHOOK CYBERCEC║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Grandmother's full name: Deborah L. Midwell Grandma's address: 5127 W 6th Street Independence, Ohio 44131 Grandmother's age: 64 years Grandmother's date of birth: April 21, 1955 Grandmother's number: (216) 767-5495 Grandmother's place of work: G&W Machinery Sales Inc Grandmother's email address: debsagranny10@aol.com , debmks3@aol.com , dmeadwell@aol.com Grandmother's previous/current phone number: (216) 862-6789 Landline phone The house | Deborah had this phone number from 2010 to 2019 (216) 441-4011 landline The house | Deborah had this phone number from 1987 to 2013 (216) 883-0168 landline House (513) 539-2700 stationary ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ 0x03 Grandfather's INFORMATION DOXED BY XEHOOK CYBERCEC║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Grandfather's full name: James T. Midwell, also known as Jim Midwell Grandfather's address: 3631 E 54th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44105 Grandfather's date of birth: November 24, 1961 Grandfather's number: (216) 429-2944 Grandfather's place of work: Detective at the Gillombardo department store Grandpa's previous job: Detective at the Guillombardo store in 2011 Brigadier of Brown & Root June 2005 — July 2011 KBR security guard January 2004 — January 2011 DynCorp International security guard June 2007 — April 2010 Maintenance Foreman U-Haul Cargo Transportation Company JANUARY 2004 — NOVEMBER 2006 Head of the Transport Department Cuyahoga County Coroner's Office APRIL 1998 — MAY 2004 Diesel Mechanic E Automotive MAY 1980 — APRIL 1998 Auxiliary Police Officer The City of Cleveland March 1976 — May 1980 Grandfather's education: Southern High School ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ 0x03 AUNT*s INFORMATION DOXED BY XEHOOK CYBERCEC║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Aunt's full name: Joyce M. Midwell Aunt's address: 7122 Bletch Street Apartment 3 Cleveland, Ohio 44125 Aunt's date of birth: November 24, 1961 Aunt's number: (216) 271-9119 Aunt's email address: jmeadwell@aol.com jimm44105@aol.com mygirljoy2004@sbcglobal.net jimm44105@mindspring.com mygirljoy@yahoo.com mygirljoy2002@yahoo.com joycemeadwell@netzero.net ----------------------------------------------------------- Mom's social security number: 289-56-4801 Issued in the state of: Ohio (OH) Year of issue: 1970 — 2019 Deborah's Social Security number: 577-90-3999 Issued in the state of: Ohio (OH) Year of issue: 1974 — 2029 Dad's INN: 297-64-0895 Issued in the state of: Ohio (OH) Year of issue: 1974 — 2027 Deborin (babushkin) TIN: 272-40-3448 Issued in the state of: Ohio (OH) Year of production: 1961 - 2019 Mathews (Brother) SSN: 278-86-1905 Issued by the State of: Ohio (OH) Year of production: 1997 - 2019 James (Grandfather) SSN: 275-40-7986 Issued by the State of: Ohio (OH) Year of production: 1961 — 1962 %########%%% %%%%%%%@ %%%%###**++++==-=%% %%= .::--=++**###%%%@@@@@%%%%##***********###%%%%%%###***++=-::.. .*#% %%*= .::-=++***##***+=--::........::-==+++++=--:.. :+*%% %#*=. ..::--::. .. :+*#% %#*=: -+*% %%*+- XEHOOK FUCKED -+#% %#+- .=*#% %#*=. XEHOOK FUCKED :=*#% %%#*+-. . .. :-+*#%% %%##***+=-:: :::: .:--:. ::-=++*##% %*-:::........ :-==-: .-=+++=: -#% %#*: :=++=-:: .::-+*++=: .=*#% %#*=: :--=. :::. ::: :==-:. :+*#% %%#+=: .::::::::: ......... .=+#% %%#+=: : .:-+*%% %#*=-: .. .:. ....-*#% %%#=-:... :: :::. ....... .::::..:: ..-+*%% %%###***+: ::-=+++=-++++**++==***++=:. =*#% %%*-:::::----. .-=+**##############*+=-. .=*#% %#*=. .::::. .:-=++++++******+++=-: .:. :=+##%% %#*=. .:::. . . :..::.:. . .::: .:==+*##%% %*+: .. .:::. ..:-=*#%% %*+- .=*#% %%#*=-. XEHOOK FUCKED +*% %%#*=: =*# %#*=. . :. :----:.. :---:. . :+*% %*+. .. ..::: ----. -=+*##**++::******+=--:--: -+*#% #*= ..... .:==+++****++- -+****+-. . : .+##%@@@%%%%%%%%@%%%%##**+: =*#%% %*+. .-==++*****###%%%%%%%%%##%%%%%%#*+- :. :.:+*#%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%%#:*#%% %#*= =+*#%%%%%% %%#*:--. :-+#% %%#*-.##% %%#**+-. .. :=*#% %%%%% %%#**-.-: :+*% %%#**+=. .+#% %%#**- .*#% %%#*:%%% %% Age: 43 (born 30