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Backstory: Maawwi is a youtuber with 1.3k subs who decided to quit all social medias and youtube because a couple people where fucking around with him saying
           "im gonna leak your face to this discord server" (the discord had like 5 people in it) and he legit started crying. He also said he was gonna
           kill himself over a fucking face leak and to show him how pety that actually is we doxxed him and when we asked for an apology to not only us, but
           his entire community he came back with a half ass response. 

           Rest in shit Maawwi.

➤ Pictures: 	https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1177148198356262962/1201041933544476722/Screenshot_2024-01-28_at_4.51.40_pm.png?ex=65c86077&is=65b5eb77&hm=b1e959190f3d6ae68e6e9a3ba53bfaa3fc24de37e39416b7fa85b110f26240d0&
➤ Name: Jayden Tran
  ➣ Pseudonyms: Maawwi
➤ Him literally admitting to boosting and shit: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1177148198356262962/1201051455470182480/IMG_0355.png?ex=65c86955&is=65b5f455&hm=59c84e26c8e2523a54048d3c8b3c20d816fa5a0719d8b5e477d85dd160ce3991&
  ➣ "Maawwi", 
➤ Age: 15
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 00/00/2008
➤ Location of Birth:	Ballarat Base Hospital
➤ Location: Canberra (ACT NIGGA)
➤ Race: Asian (Ching Chong)
➤ Native Language: English, Mandarin
  ➣ Gender: Male
  ➣ Weight: 50.34 kg
  ➣ Height: 5'1

➤ Country of Citizenship:	Australia

➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: Optus
➤ Mobile Phone Number: (02) 6260 6757
➤ Current Address: 23/40 Leahy Close Narrabundah ACT
➤ Bought for $191,520 AUD
➤ Postal Code: 2604
➤ Email Address: maawwiwastaken@gmail.com
  ➣ Timezone: AEST / AEDT

➤ School Name: Canberra Grammar School
➤ School Address: 40 Monaro Cres, Red Hill ACT                                                                                                                            
➤ School Website: https://cgs.act.edu.au/
➤ School Phone Number: (02) 6260 9700
  ➣ Grade: 10

➤ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Maawwi
➤ Discord ID: -- 1192606910290079804
➤ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@maawwiyt
➤ Name MC: https://namemc.com/profile/Maawwi.1
➤ Friend Finder: https://www.friendfinder-x.com/profile/Maawwi
➤ Snapchat: Jaydentheasian4
➤ Ask FM: https://ask.fm/Maawwi
➤ Chess.com: https://www.chess.com/member/Maawwi
➤ MC UUID: https://mcuuid.net/?q=Maawwi

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