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Table Of Contents
       0x00 Introduction............................
       0x01 Reason..................................
       0x02 Personal Information....................
       0x03 Education...............................
       0x04 Social Media Accounts...................
       0x05 Family Members..........................
       0x06 Miscellaneous...........................
       0x07 Outro...................................
       0x08 Credits &amp; Links.....................

My name is allah, the reason i'm doxing this kid is because he thinks hes big shit and known.
Jayden, known as Jayden Hays online, responsible for the school swatting, think's hes big shit and has a huge
ego, made a girl kill herself.
-Legal Name............. Jayden Hays
-Online Alias........... jaydenhays
-Skin Color............. White
-Gender................. Male
-Age.................... 15
Religion................ atheist
Birthday................ 12/4/2005
Height.................. 6'1
Pictures................ https://gyazo.com/2cf595553b5488cc994feb5c10ae96f3



-Occupation.............   Jayden extorts underaged girls, for there card details.
-Job Information........   Extorts underaged kids for money, yet he asked his mum for 5k in january.

Social Media
-Instagram.............. https://www.instagram.com/jayden.hays48/

Location Information 
-Direct Address......... 175 Kelly Ave Bellville, Ohio(OH), 44813
Phone................... (419) 886-4170



High School,
-Phone.... 419-886-2601

Social Media
-Instagram.............. https://www.instagram.com/explore/locations/20657246/clear-fork-high-school
-Twitter................ https://twitter.com/HSCFVLS?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
-Facebook............... https://m.facebook.com/checkpoint/1501092823525282/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fprofile.php%3Fid%3D111832802167314&_rdr

-Direct Address......... 987 OH-97, Bellville, OH 44813, United States

Claims to be dynamic, fried a egg on his router.

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