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║ root@anon:~# cd ~/unkn && cat reason.txt ║
║  jayce is a male from VIC he has interested in 14 year old e girls from the server fitz and others             . ║
║  This is his updated dox. ╔═════════════╩════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝


║ root@anon:~# cat index.txt ║ 
<!-- INDEX --> 
✈ 0x01 Name, etc.   ✞
✈ 0x02 Location     ✞ 
✈ 0x03 Accounts     ✞
✈ 0x04 Socials      ✞
✈ 0x05 Credentials  ✞
✈ 0x06 Family       ✞

║ root@anon:~# cat 0x01.txt ║

Name: jayce 
AGE: 19
 Works at Woolworths
Birthplace: Melbourne VIC 

║ root@anon:~# cat 0x02.txt ║
Street Address: 12 Gellion pl
  Zip Code: 3064                   
  City: Vic, OH
    Unit: N/A
      Beds: 5 
       Baths: 3
       Land Size 519m2
       Year Built 1998


║ root@anon:~# cat 0x03.txt ║


║ root@anon:~# cat 0x04.txt ║

Disocord# Jayce#8305
Snapchat jaycee567


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