You. Have. Been. Chosen. To. Be. Doxxed. Scammer.

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first Name: Jay
middle: liam
Last Name: Hearts

Relationship status: Taken
Hair color: Brown
Age: 29
Height: 5'11-6'1
Eye color: Brown
Phone Number: (270) 935 0050
Dicord ID: 1235108762776375410
dc: Mr.qjb
Ethicity: White and racist 
Education: status; dropout
Passwords: Qjbpack99, loverdover45, imgay87, Icareaboutnoone4 | These are most used
Hobbies: Sits in his room all day and scams kids online
Summary: Jay's father is abusive, And his mother doesn't love him, Jay has no life and is extremely racist. He isnt rich at all.