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-+-                 0x01 Introduction                   -+-
This fucking 16y/o dutch nigga, loves 12 year olds, he’s know as Jesper Venema, they 
have a wonky cock. He was active on a server, which he was worshipped by little girls, 
which got his WONKY dick hard. He has a massive ego and uses guilt trip to groom little girls.

-+--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-   0x02 Reason   -=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Jesper Venema, is a massive pedophile, who sends children’s nudes around, and fetishised lolis and watches literal childporn, he uses pitty 
to lure and groom little girls, including suicide threats when one of the girl broke up with him, and pictures of his slit wrists. Occasionally 
he even sends dick pics to underaged girls, without consent. He is an out of control alcohol and drug abuser. He was in 7 relationships at 
the same time.

-+-             0x03 Personal Information               -+-

db    db d888888b  .o88b. d888888b d888888b .88b  d88.
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   YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP

first name and last name: JESPER Venema 
his phone number:  +31637443183
his dicord: ????Jesper????#9180 
his school phone number: +31503639111  
his Instagram: @j3ssper
his snapchat: jesper_lollol
his date of birth:  november 12 2004
his AGE: 17

MOMS NAME : Heidi Venema 
jesper mmoms buissneess phone: +31505033414 <<<<<<  give his mom a call ;) 
jesper moms worth value: €396.000 - 404.000

links: https://ibb.co/wKDF5y9  <<<<<< picture of his house 
links: https://vimeo.com/501877177 <<<< made this stupid cunt make a video saying sorry of what his dirty pedophile actions where holding a sign with my name.                                                          
links: https://www.rug.nl/ <<<<<< jesper school website link
links: https://ibb.co/Lv157ZW  <<<<<<< a picture of his fat ass mom 
links: https://ibb.co/MsbZ5v6 <<<<<< a picture of his MOM,DAD,BROTHER AND JESPER 
links: https://ibb.co/37DGxpx <<<<<<< a picture of HIM AKA JESPER THE FUCKING PEDO 
links: https://www.facebook.com/erik.heidi <<<<<<< HIS FAT Disgusting pig MOTHER FACEBOOK PAGE/ACCOUNT 
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