Reason: Being a retard in his classes, also yelling at his own students


Name: Jason Carrelas
Age: 40
Country: Canada
Province: Ontario
Town/City: London
Gender: Male


Mr Carrelas Wife:

Name: Laura Carrelas
Age: 40
Country: Canada
Province: Ontario
Town/City: London
Gender: Female
Education: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto

Wedding Shit: https://ltcphotography.wordpress.com/about-us/
Picture of Jason & His wife

Pic: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1281410154352349234/1281415257973063680/95956408_10157523248054296_6843272672340606976_n.png?ex=66dba275&is=66da50f5&hm=f82800e2f6dd8cd7d23a8d7c3432f18200d88d2e2cf1cf6bfdd078e28bf6aa1a&

Some more information.
Jason has 3 kids. I will not be showing since they are all very young.


School Web: https://oakridge.tvdsb.ca/en/our-school/daily-schedule.aspx
Schools Cell: 519-452-2750

Oakridge Secondary School
School Location:1040 Oxford Street West London , Ontario , N6H 1V4 Canada
Teacher Name: Carrelas, Jason. - Teacher 
Subject He Teaches: Gym/Physical Education
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-carrelas-07173a57/?originalSubdomain=ca

Works For: London District Catholic School Board
Position: Secondary Teacher
Salary: $102,284.72
Source: Ontario's Sunshine List
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-carrelas-91965b57/?originalSubdomain=ca

Day Plan:
1	8:15 - 9:30
2	9:35 - 10:50
Lunch	10:50- 11:55
3	11:55 - 1:10
4	1:15 - 2:30

Laura Carrelas Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lauracarrelas/photos
Laura Carrelas Pinterest: https://mx.pinterest.com/lcarrelas/
Laura Carrelas Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lauracarrelas/?hl=en
Jason Carrelas Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085925962384
Jason Carrelas Pinterest: https://ca.pinterest.com/carrelasj/

Jasons Weird FUCKING SHIT:

Jason plays for a weird fucking league called "Middlesex Masters Soccer League". And plays for the team "FC Acoriano. 
and has about 21 goals.