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The below individual is nothing short of a retard. Constant derogatory and demeaning language towards me or
my friends is pushing me to do this. Let it be known no one else told me to do this - I'm doing it by my own
consent because I'm sick and tired of his shit. Maybe after this he'll realise not to start shit and to act like
a proper individual. Regardless, below is most of the information I could retrieve.

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Discord Username - Baptist#9799
Full Legal Name - Jason Baptist
Age - 16
Facial Appearance - https://imgur.com/a/oZOKIiJ
Full Family Registry - https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/name/jason-baptist_delevan-ny
City & State - Delevan, New York
Internet Protocol (IP) Address:
Postal Code: 14042
Area: 716
Metro: 514
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqIBxVX4Qv0pmSDUPf4YuQ
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/BaptistEdits
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/buttistedit
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thekidbaptist/