
phone number : (219) 711-3973
name : Jasmin
discord profile : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1261206820555325500/1261213074958974996/image.png?ex=669223b5&is=6690d235&hm=72c4fcef08abf30b16329c4716347d4f6ca1236a96098dea45b72d9d7fc5146c&=&format=webp&quality=lossless
pic of her : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1261206820555325500/1261210795476389920/IMG_7810.jpg?ex=66922195&is=6690d015&hm=46cbf5f62bcb0947f105e1798d27e4b026b499faac0b98bea50217170cd6fc58&
age : 16 
from : discord.gg/lone
Instagram : kysbuddyxx 

why im posting her : She posted a discord members nudes of a guy that she was e dating and then proceeds to leave discord.gg/lone and then blocked everything i would post all her info but a friend of
mine said dont bcuz they dont wanna leaked (phone number addie face etc) 

extras : discord.gg/lone is a server full of e daters minors females and a bunch of toxic drama of leaks if u are gonna join the server my discord is dqkb if u ping me in chat i will most likey say hi or sum idk but the
owners of discord.gg/lone is  tookwock 0659 slutreaper. (there discord @s) feel free to join discord.gg/lone if u would like to include ur self in toxic e daters fighting its funny we also play valorant fortnite cod roblox 
there is a bunch of skids out there be aware of them 

╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚═════╝░ on discord