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+-------------------------------------------------------------- +
|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Home Information.........................          |
|      0x03  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x04  MOM Socail Media .................                 |
|      0x06  MOM Information.......................             |
|      0x07  Socail Media ........................... 		|
|      0x08  Information...........................		|
|      0x09 Outro...................................         	|
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
jarrod is a ugly nerd ass nigga that think he is gangster tbh he is 
a fucking low life who nuked a roblox group discord server and thinks 
his the shit.
|                  0x02  HOME INFORMATION                       |
		     House Information 
Name: Kylie Hill
Continent: Oceania
State/Region: Australia
City: Medowie
Home Address: 76 South st, Medowie NSW 2318, Australia 
Home Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1117020910696804374/1121044803015155733/image.png
|                  0x03  PERSONAL INFORMATION                   |
Name: Jarrod Hill
Phone: +61400397183
Age: 16
Face Picture/Pictures: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1117020910696804374/1121043897582370846/347788142_251012770917657_2717388079846741219_n.png
Location: 76 South st, Medowie NSW 2318, Australia 
Location Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1117020910696804374/1121044803015155733/image.png
|                  0x04  MOM SOCIAL MEDIAS/EMAILS               |
Mom Socials: FB: Kylie Hill
Social Medias: Has Facebook 
|                  0x05  Mother Information                     |
Name: Kylie Hill
Married: Yes
Formatted Pay Type: Annual 
Age: 50
Phone Number: Unknown
|                  0x06  Phone Numbers                          |
Jarrod's Number - +61400397183
|                  0x07  Socials                                |
Jarrod's SnapChat: xja_rrod
Jarrod's FaceBook: Jarrod Hill
Jarrod's Discord: h0ncx#9820
|                  0x08  INFO                                   |
He has no Father on the Records so left him out of the doxbin.
|                  0x09  OUTRO                                  |