nyur aka awuki aka Jan Šíma
Nyur is from Czech Republic
Nyur is also 16 years old and a known scammer in the csgo community
Nyur "owns" a pasted cheat called halcyon.vip (he's had multiple scam cheats before)
Nyur's socials

Youtube 1 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2_dV-jTA_-OI_vdVMNTpMA
Youtube 2 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgvM3I-9F4rVrH1NfUiqxuw
Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/user/4fv43m25zssglg56lpmn1annf
Discord :  https://discord.gg/G2dBr3P (7.6.2020)
Paypal : http://paypal.me/nyurh
Discord(s) : nyur#0897  awuki#0897 (same account but changes name often)

Nyur is a known scammer, and a really dumb one. He uses millionware and interuim and zukrass.xyz cheats
He scammed multiple people from interium discord and used his real name on his paypal like a dumbass

[ For nyur, if you want me to delete this dox send $10 btc to 37GfwaUtJRZ9HLXDGY2WLrzRnsfWzVd7CG ]