                                                                                         JANLUCA DOX BY WTS

                                               Why are we doing this?

He was about to leak a good friend off WTS. He overrated himself and try to fuck with us.
He tried to troll us.
He lied on me and my whole clan.

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                                                                                                LETS START THE DOX

██    Basic Information.

Name: Luca
Lastname: N/A
Alter: N/A
Parents status: Alive, (rich)
Discord Username: 1016% jqnlucq#1337 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/980033514638553098/1005068082324176956/unknown.png
Discord ID: 924319040330170418       
Telefon Number: +49 176 20452297
Birthday: 21.07
Pictures off him with a Snapchat Filter:
Adress: /////ON THE WAY/////
██   Social Network accounts.

Snapchat: e30.janluca      https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1001595665509527583/1005061271038742599/IMG_2077.png
Instagram: 999.jqnlucq     https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1000067500224032869/1005063319075422288/Screenshot_2022-08-05-12-42-40-908_com.instagram.android.jpg?width=302&height=671
Tiktok: N/A
Discord Username: 1016% jqnlucq#1337

██   Extra Information.

He flex with money at my friend and try to impress him self as ''cool''
He wears blue jordans 1 mostly.
Ex girlfriend: ????????????????#0001
He trolls mostly at Discord other girls because he want to get Nudes from them.
He is on vacation in ''Empuriabrava, Girona'' https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1001595665509527583/1005067400535887972/IMG_2081.png
He is mostly retarted and scared off people who are better than him ''mighter''.
Pics off his poor outfit:
Pics off his legs which are really retarted:
He is in a retarted Discord clan ''1016%''

                                                                                                Last words.
This was only the Dox. The Àdress is on the way and we WILL get it.
I will give you 30 minutes after this Dox to say sorry to the girl that you tried to troll/threated, if you result in NOT saying sorry you will get fucked up by us. It wont stay at a Dox, more is going to happen.

                                                                                       IN ORDER OF WTS (FIRE ACE)


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