Hello Sakura today you stand before God and will receive your just punishment so that you will be forgiven for your sins.
Doxed by Kebab and g0ddox3r
[ Dox reason ]
|> WhatsApp eWhore
|> She tells false information about others to harm them.
|> She insults and threatens others.
|> She send xxx to childs and leaked xxx from her friends.
[ Introduction ]
Hello Jamie today is your big day we know your life what you do when you do it because of us things happened in your life. Stop being a whore or screwing with others and this dox will not be updated anymore. But what am I kidding you did it again and after a short time you looked for a new one you will always hurt those who really love you and remain a whore. Today is your reckoning this is for that you have hurt my best friend from Germany although I do not know you I know that you deserve it.
[ The new Boyfriend ]
|> Name: Hannes
|> Phone: +49-1512-6108458
|~> Used by amazon.com
|~> Used by instagram.com
|> Snapchat: jwissel68
[ Information ]
|> Full Name: Jamie Lee Lambert
|> Age: 19
|> Kids: 1
|> Alias: God Sakura, Mystic Siren, Dark Moon
[ Phone Numbers ]
|> +49-15678-420787
|> +49-15678-869811
|> +49-15678-862487
|> +49-1573-6779341
|> +49-1515-5859574
|> +49-1579-2375997
|> +49-1579-2364541
|> +237-6-98-84-91-11
[ eMail ]
|> jamieleelambert3@gmail.com
|~> Used by Discord
|~> Used by Spotify
[ Doxed by KebabIsMyName ]
[ Instagram ]
|> seine_kleine_prinzessin666
|~> eMail: g*******q@t*****.org
|> cutenekochan234
|~> eMail: t*******t@m*****.org
|> nekochan811
|~> eMail: j*******3@gmail.com
|> nekochan4696
|~> eMail: j*******3@gmail.com
|> weed_bitch2345
|~> Phone: +49 *** *****85
|> vanilla_braut_2468
|~> Phone:  +49 **** *****69
[ TikTok ]
|> nekochan2435
|> lambert.jamie
[ Facebook ]
|> jamielee.lambert.1
|> jamielee.lambert.50
[ Discord ]
|> StonendesEinhorn432#7648
[ Snapchat ]
|> deadassbitch666
|> godsakura666
[ Telegram ]
|> TuskGodSakrua
[ Family ]
|> Collin
|~> Role: Son of Jamie and Justin
|~> BOD: 07/22/2021
|> Michaela Lambert
|~> Role: Mother
|~> Instagram: lambertmichaela32
|~> Facebook: Michaela.Lambert.7
|> Danny Lambert
|~> Role: Father
|~> Facebook: danny.Lambert.509
|> Romeo Lambert
|~> Role: Brother
|~> Instagram: romeolmbrt06_
|> Milo Lambert
|~> Role: Brother
|> Dennis Lee Lambert
|~> Instagram: dennis_lee_labert_
|> Lea Luisa Lambert
|~> Instagram: lealuisa.lambert
|~> Facebook: Lealuisalambert
|> Finn Lambert
|~> Facebook: id=100084683921734
|~> Instagram: crackokitty
|> Dieter Lambert
|~> Facebook: dieter.Lambert.10
|> Franziska Lambert
|~> Facebook: franziska.lambert.7
|> Julia Lambert
|~> Facebook: julia.lmbrt
|> Denise Lambert
|~> Facebook: enise.lambert.165685
|> Jana Lambert
|~> Facebook: jana.lambert.779
|> Brian Lambert
|~> Facebook: brian.lambert.37604
|> Dustin Lee Lambert
|~> Facebook: dustin.lambert.552
|> Denise Lambert
|~> Facebook: denise.lambert.777
|> Elias Lambert
|~> Facebook: elias2906
|> Jermaine Lambert
|~> Facebook: id=100078820688194
[ Ex Boyfriends ]
|> Justin Merten
|~> Role: Ex Fiance
|~> Number: +49-175-6270758
|~> Instagram: slowmouw23, justin_merten23, justin_fame99, jusmerten66, merten800, mertenjustin21, justin_fame21
|~> Facebook: id=100073135008638
|> Torben Kahnert
|~> Notes: Are back in a relationship since 04/19/23 and since 04/27/23 separated again
|~> Alias: Scorpion
|~> Age: 20 
|~> Phone: +49-163-3777857, +49-1579-2611240
|~> Instagram: time_to_go_i_like_baum
|~> Adress: Königsberger Straße 35, 25355 Barmstedt
|~> Old Picture: https://images.noz-mhn.de/img/21566062/crop/ccom.escenic.master-w628/2021135656/226028021/23-42659073.jpg
|> Jannik
|~> Alias: Legend Voluna, Dark Neko
|~> Phone: +44-7310-414278
|~> Instagram: voluna_photo, voluna_hell
|> Rene
|~> Phone: +49-491-773183328, +49-1773-183328
|> Maik
|~> Phone: +49-1590-8156645
|> Snapchat: shadowiassisine
[ Sources ]
|> Google
|> Instagram
|> Facebook
|> Open WhatsApp Groups
[ Last Words ]
|> Fuck you whore now you get what you deserve.